tea.mathoverflow.net - Category Feed (Community) Sun, 04 Nov 2018 12:55:59 -0800 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla 1.1.9 & Feed Publisher congratulatory comments removed http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1638/congratulatory-comments-removed/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1638/congratulatory-comments-removed/ Sat, 23 Jan 2016 10:30:40 -0800 Todd Trimble Following is a brief and friendly exchange of comments which was flagged twice by users for being "too chatty", and "totally irrelevant" as one put it:

2 @Max Alekseyev, congratulations on the Riordan Prize. – Fred Kline 4 hours ago

2 @FredKline: Wow! This is an unexpected place for congratulations. ;) Thank you! – Max Alekseyev 32 mins ago

Strictly speaking, those comments are indeed irrelevant to the topic, and so they are about to be duly deleted in response to the flags.

However, I find it a pity that a note of congratulations and thanks in return are so urgently hit with flags. Such comments are harmless and contribute to a generally friendly spirit which is sometimes missing. I'd feel the same way about dealing with a good joke in a comment: yes, technically such might be considered "too chatty" according to SE guidelines, but who cares?

Plus, I was glad to have learned in this way of Max's winning the Prize, and would like to second those congratulations to him.

archived discussion regarding gender neutrality of "guys" http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1636/archived-discussion-regarding-gender-neutrality-of-guys/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1636/archived-discussion-regarding-gender-neutrality-of-guys/ Sun, 08 Nov 2015 11:19:42 -0800 Todd Trimble (The following comments were moved to here from http://mathoverflow.net/a/222943/2926 The discussion is essentially obsolete since the post was edited to remove mention of "guys".)

"self-conscious guys" -> "self-conscious men and women". Also note the assumption that the OP is male. – Greg Martin 20 hours ago

@GregMartin (a) I use "guys" as a unisex idiom (b) it is not hard to find out who the OP is – Yemon Choi 19 hours ago

Your intention might be for "guys" to be a unisex idiom, but that doesn't make it one. – Greg Martin 10 hours ago

Maybe I better should not as a non-native but...I changed "guys" to "folks" as I think it should be (more) gender neutral but otherwise rather similar. In any case, it seems to translate to the "gens" which might have been what Joël would have written in French. – quid 6 hours ago

@GregMartin Fair point. – Yemon Choi 4 hours ago

@GregMartin - I suppose this is getting more and more off-topic, but it is a fact about modern American English usage that the word "guys" can be used in a gender-neutral way. See, e.g., economist.com/blogs/johnson/2012/10/slang – alex 2 hours ago

@alex maybe so, but while the text under your link says: 'But it doesn't go into the fact that in modern American English, "guys" in the plural can be directed at a mixed-sex or even an all-female group.' please note it says "directed at," not say "refer to." Indeed, it later says explicitly: ' "Guys" works as a vocative to an all-girl group: "Let's go, guys!" But it doesn't work as a noun referring to them: "The guys are coming over". (Perhaps some people use "guys" this way for women, but I don't think I've heard it.)' And the latter is the usage present. – quid 58 mins ago

Another fact: We control what language we use. Another fact: Language affects culture, and not always for the better. Using male nouns/pronouns to represent all genders has a long history, of course, but it reinforces our stereotypes that maleness is the "default" human status and femaleness is some sort of add-on. In particular, this reinforces the stereotype that math is a man-thing. And that stereotype is extremely harmful. That is why I choose not to hide behind the "fact" you mention. – Greg Martin 57 mins ago

The same point is made on the SE site for English Language & Usage: "Is 'guy' gender-neutral" – quid 55 mins ago

Although I have no wish to drag things on further (Greg is welcome to email me if he feels this would be profitable, salutory, etc) I suggest that since the text has been corrected, the whole discussion starting with Greg's first comment be moved to chat, so as to avoid someone coming along in a few weeks' time and restarting arguments devoid of initial context. – Yemon Choi 23 mins ago

Why does hardly anybody use this board? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1633/why-does-hardly-anybody-use-this-board/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1633/why-does-hardly-anybody-use-this-board/ Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:56:20 -0800 quid I wonder why the usage of this board essentially stopped if supposedly not few would like to continue using it. Can anybody offer some insight?

Also this is a test to see if or who is following.

Is there anybody out there? :-)

copy of Joël's answer (and comments) to: Is Euclid dead? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1630/copy-of-joels-answer-and-comments-to-is-euclid-dead/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1630/copy-of-joels-answer-and-comments-to-is-euclid-dead/ Sat, 21 Dec 2013 13:08:44 -0800 Todd Trimble This answer was given to the question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/152352/is-euclid-dead/152479#152479

21 December 2013, 9:09pm UTC

Second Edit : the message below is about the first version of the question, before it was deeply edited and changed by Todd Trimble. I have nothing serious to complain about the new question.

Okay, let me weigh in by saying that this question is a disgrace for this site.

I have nothing against question about mathematical education, and nothing against question whose answers are primarily opinion-based. But I have a strong hostility against opinion-based question that shows such a contempt for the facts, especially when the asker is "leading a campaign" (quoting his own words) for some cause, however legitimate, and seems more interested into advancing his cause than in searching for the truth. (Why? Probably it's my personal history, coming/fleeing from a country where the basic distinction between fact and opinion is even more forgotten tham elsewhere, but whatever).

So the question of whether Euclidean geometry should be taught or not in Elementary/Middle/High school or their equivalent is legitimate. But as for a pure question of math, one should not rush to answer before the fact expressed in the set-up of the question are recognized as correct.

The facts in question are the affirmation that there were, I quote, << a series of articles in France in the 1960s, authored by the Bourbaki's, preaching the abolition of Euclidean Geometry (EG), as the main mathematical area in high schools of France. Some of the titles of these articles were: "A bas Euclide", "Euclid is dead", "Euclidean Geometry must go" etc. >>

Despite my asking for precisions or references, none was given. Now such an affirmation should be substantiated. While I am certainly ignorant of many things in the history of Bourbaki, what I know makes the OP's assertion highly unlikely. For one thing, Bourbaki as a group was never concerned with high school teaching. As for individual members (since I guess they are what the OP calls "the Bourbaki's"), the ones I can think of couldn't care less about high school program. And perhaps I didn't drink enough today, but even with the best will I can't imagine someone like Cartan, or Serre, or Koszul, signing an opinion in say "Le Monde" with title "A bas Euclide!".

I am voting to close (again), obviously, until the facts are substantiated or retracted.

edited after some comments by the OP. The OP has given some references, but they are just about one talk given by Jean Dieudonné, when he was not anymore a member a Bourbaki. Now there have been perhaps 100 Bourbaki members over the years, and it is probable that any opinion $o$ on any subject has been at some point of time held by one of them. This is of course not enough to conclude that "Bourbaki has made a campaign in favor of $o$" Examples: "Bourbaki has made a campaign against the financing of IHES by the ministry of defense". No, Grothendieck did.

[Comments to follow]

A Silly Question about Silly Questions http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1626/a-silly-question-about-silly-questions/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1626/a-silly-question-about-silly-questions/ Fri, 08 Nov 2013 02:57:10 -0800 Saint Georg
Q1. Is there a short way to find out silliness of a question without reading it and wasting time?

Q2. Are there some syntactical indicators to show silliness of a particular question? ]]>
Crank post to flag as spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1296/crank-post-to-flag-as-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1296/crank-post-to-flag-as-spam/ Tue, 31 Jan 2012 17:50:36 -0800 Andy Putman
Thanks! ]]>
tea.mathoverflow.net http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1618/teamathoverflownet/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1618/teamathoverflownet/ Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:32:03 -0700 Scott Morrison
If no one reports any significant problems, I'll switch it over soon so all links within the old meta point to tea. By tonight, when we do the switchover of the main site to 2.0, tea will still be available in case of emergencies :-) ]]>
mobile browsing/lurking in 2.0 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1621/mobile-browsinglurking-in-20/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1621/mobile-browsinglurking-in-20/ Tue, 25 Jun 2013 11:27:41 -0700 grp
I can navigate to looking at a full site, but the default
for mobile browsing seems to omit or hide a search
feature for questions.

Later I will try logging in, but I note that only my
registered account seems to show up in a users
search, not any of my unregistered accounts.
On 1.0, using "Gerhard Paseman" would show
all of them in a search.

I will add more comments from the Droid point
of view to this thread. While the aesthetics of the
Full site are important, I think the priority of issues
with the mobile view should be set to high as well.

Gerhard "Not Quite Ready For Prime-Time" Paseman, 2013.06.25 ]]>
MathOverflow 2.0! http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1416/mathoverflow-20/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1416/mathoverflow-20/ Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:15:07 -0700 Anton Geraschenko With summer, the push to migrate returns (just like in those Attenborough specials).

Over a year ago, we had an extensive discussion about migrating to Stack Exchange 2.0. I remember feeling that just about everybody was in support of migration at the end of it. (I'm going to re-read the thread in case there are any important pitfalls I've forgotten about, but I haven't yet.) My feeling is that migrating will be almost entirely positive, though I expect this post will generate some fear about moving to 2.0. For what it's worth, aside from writing and running a really good Q&A engine, the SE team has been exceptionally generous with their attention and resources over the last 3 years. They want the MO community to be happy.

The main objection last year was that people really liked our current meta, but the folks at SE said that they've baked the SE-style meta into the framework. So we decided to work out some tools for dealing with a two meta system. Then academia season started and we all had to get back to work. Since then, I've become increasingly of the opinion that a pure SE-style meta is the way to go. While our discussion-style meta was certainly invaluable for hashing out community norms, I don't think there was anything in the last year that wouldn't have been well-served by an SE-style meta. Not only that, there would have been a huge benefit: proper integration with the main site. Cf. Dick Palais's comment here: "[T]he problem is that almost no MO users look at meta.MO so it is nearly useless to post it there."

The moderators and I pinged the Stack Exchangers about migration recently. It seems like there is no obstruction to migrating. Here's a summary from Joel Spolsky (SE cofounder/CEO):

Hi Anton!

Here is a summary of my current understanding regarding migrating MathOverflow.net to Stack Exchange 2.0.

  1. The terms under which MathOverflow is operated will shift from the "Stack Exchange 1.0" model (under which the site is operated by Fog Creek Software as a service but the data, users, etc. are owned by you) to the "Stack Exchange 2.0" model (under which the site is a community within the Stack Exchange network, owned and operated by Stack Exchange).
  2. We will upgrade MathOverflow to the latest software and join it to the Stack Exchange network.
  3. Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise in this agreement, MathOverflow will operate like any other Stack Exchange site.
  4. Current MathOverflow moderators will remain MathOverflow 2.0 moderators.
  5. Before we finalize the migration, we will create a sandbox for you to test the migration. This will be a fully-functioning, fully operational version of MathOverflow running under the latest Stack Exchange software, which you can play around with and test before we have actually moved mathoverflow.net over. Any changes made in the sandbox will be lost when the real migration takes place.
  6. The moderator team may submit additional Javascript to Stack Exchange which, if it does not compromise the technical integrity of the network, will be inserted into the footer, allowing some minor modification of the site that is unique to MathOverflow.
  7. You will retain ownership of the domain name mathoverflow.net, but you will delegate the DNS operation to us.
  8. Should you choose to migrate off of the Stack Exchange network:
    • We will provide the usual creative-commons data dump (which removes all private user information such as passwords and email addresses) complete as of to the migration;
    • We will return DNS control to you;
    • We will implement a system by which MathOverflow users can authenticate with our servers in order to reclaim their account on your new server.
    • Note that our privacy policy would not permit us to give you any user's email, password, or other authentication data if you are not an affiliated entity, thus, we would essentially have to get each user's permission on a one-time basis to transmit their credentials to you. In practical terms this could be as simple as a permission dialog that we present when users first attempt to log on to your server authorizing us to transmit the user's personal information to you.
  9. If you don't already have one, I recommend creating a foundation, corporation, or not-for-profit that would own the mathoverflow domain name and serve as the counterparty. That way if something happens to Anton we know who is taking care of the domain name and who has the right to migrate out.

Does this sound like a workable plan?

I asked Joel if we could add a "no ads" term. He said that wouldn't be a problem. Aside from that, everything looks good to me.

Editing tags once a day indefinitely http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1617/editing-tags-once-a-day-indefinitely/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1617/editing-tags-once-a-day-indefinitely/ Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:01:50 -0700 Kevin Walker Check out the edit history of http://mathoverflow.net/revisions/133458/list . As of today, the author has edited the tags 15 times in 11 days. I can understand bumping a question once or twice, but this seems quite excessive. What's the best way to discourage this sort of behavior (assuming there's a consensus that such behavior should be discouraged)?

MathOverflow 2.0 final sandbox testing http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1616/mathoverflow-20-final-sandbox-testing/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1616/mathoverflow-20-final-sandbox-testing/ Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:08:01 -0700 Geoff Dalgas

We will monitor this thread for any feedback or bug reports over the next few days. There are a significant number of new features that we have introduced as part of this release (review system, new badges, etc) and we hope they are helpful to the MathOverflow community. These new features have been in production for all other Stack Exchange 2.0 communities for quite some time and we will continue to improve them as we make tweaks based on user feedback. ]]>
Riemann integral in physics http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1610/riemann-integral-in-physics/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1610/riemann-integral-in-physics/ Sat, 08 Jun 2013 10:02:53 -0700 The User Trollery http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1592/trollery/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1592/trollery/ Tue, 14 May 2013 13:27:41 -0700 SteveLandsburg
The entire content of the OP's "insight" is this: An earlier post ( http://mathoverflow.net/questions/17960/google-question-in-a-country-in-which-people-only-want-boys-closed ) asked about the properties of a ratio of two random variables (call them X and Y). Zare computed the expected value of that ratio, E(X/Y). The OP thinks it would be more interesting to compute E(X)/E(Y), and therefore Zare made a "mistake". This ignores the fact that E(X)/E(Y) is not in fact a property of X/Y and hence is irrelevant to the original question. It also ignores the fact that the computation of E(X)/E(Y) is trivial, whereas Zare's computation of E(X/Y) is interesting. It also ignores the fact that is not a "mistake" to compute one thing when the OP is more interested in computing another.

It's been downhill from there. The OP has repeatedly, not just in this comment thread but multiple other comment threads on the earlier post, made false mathematical claims without proof, (and without acknowledging that proof is called for), grossly misrepresented Zare, myself and others by falsely asserting (and repeating and repeating and repeating) that we have claimed to be able to beat a fair roulette wheel, and hurled multiple insults as a substitute for argument.

One of his repeated ploys is to take a (correct) argument made by Zare, combine it with a complete misstatement of some other result (often the Optional Stopping Theorem) and then hold Zare (or myself) responsible for the conclusions he manages to draw from this conjunction of truth and falsehood.

It's become evident at this point that the OP does not even believe his own claims, having rejected my offer to bet him $5000 on the outcome of a simulation, and having repeated his misstatements of others' claims ad infinitum immediately after the misstatements are called to his attention.

There is, incidentally, absolutely no mathematical content to this post (or, for that matter, to any of the OP's other posts). As far as I can tell, his only goal in being here is to annoy people.

I'm not sure what the right response is. There's a lot to be said for just ignoring him, but that's harder than it sounds. In addition to his own post, he's cluttered up several answers on the original post with comments that detract from both the tone and the content of the discussion there, and make it just a little bit harder to follow that discussion. I have no idea how the de facto criteria for a ban have evolved. My gut feelings are that there should be a high bar for banning, and that this case clears that bar. On the other hand, my personal involvement might have clouded my judgment. I wonder what others think. ]]>
Constantin's answer on Oresme http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1609/constantins-answer-on-oresme/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1609/constantins-answer-on-oresme/ Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:42:48 -0700 Neil Strickland Turning an answer into a paper http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1597/turning-an-answer-into-a-paper/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1597/turning-an-answer-into-a-paper/ Mon, 27 May 2013 02:59:22 -0700 stumpc5
- I would not have thought about the question if it would not have been raised on MO. If I am asked such a question in person, I would rather write such a paper together.
- Other people also gave answers. What if my solution was influenced by other people's answers. This is not particularly the case for my question, but other authors who provided alternative approaches or partial answers might have the impression they were part of the solution as well.

Another user proposed a different approach and even turned it into a new question: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/131809/a-double-grading-of-catalan-numbers . Should I as least ask if we try to merge both approaches if possible?

What do other people think about such situations? ]]>
On spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1590/on-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1590/on-spam/ Wed, 08 May 2013 00:07:22 -0700 Mariano I was wondering if there is some way we might make more people aware of the fact that when dealing with obviously spammy answers/questions it is best not to downvote but rather to simply flag the post as spam, as that will delete it automatically.

Deleted (how do I delete this question completely?) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1594/deleted-how-do-i-delete-this-question-completely/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1594/deleted-how-do-i-delete-this-question-completely/ Sun, 19 May 2013 10:19:04 -0700 deane.yang On the closing of questions. http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1427/on-the-closing-of-questions/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1427/on-the-closing-of-questions/ Mon, 20 Aug 2012 06:55:18 -0700 Georges Elencwajg I have noticed that my old question How many mathematicians are there has been closed.
Here is why I think this was a bad move.

To the question "how many mathematicians are there" , anybody with a strictly positive IQ can smugly retort "Define mathematician !" and go away convinced that he has dealt the question a death-blow.
The point is exactly that the question asks for some well defined proxy for being a mathematician and then deduce some number for that altered definition.
I was exhilarated to discover (more than two years ago) that four brilliant answers did exactly that and the amazing conclusion is that all these answers give the same order of magnitude: there are about 100000 mathematicians on earth.

What are you saying? You disagree, now that I made you aware of that result? Too late, you can no longer give your counter-arguments as an answer nor as a comment because five users (on a site with more than 18500 registered users, among whom are at least four Fields medalists) on this site have decided that it is now forbidden to discuss the question any further.

I would like to add that I don't see how a mathematician could not be interested in those numbers at a time when positions are not particularly easy to get.
And who else but MathOverflowers will give you the answer?

Finally and more generally I would like to emphasize that some "soft" questions should be more welcome than the hard, tough, technical ones, which some macho users are so eager to publicize as the only ones they will tolerate. Here is why:

I think that more than half of the 32000 questions here could be answered by just Pierre Deligne , Ofer Gabber and Terence Tao if they so wished and had the time: my point is that there is no lack of expertise in the world, but I'm not sure that even these luminaries could answer my question as well as our community taken together: a manifestation of the wisdom of crowds
And this is why soft but unmistakenly mathematical questions should only be closed with the utmost care.
Moreover the huge number of users due to the success of our site makes it preposterous that just five people with no special legitimacy other than having passed the low barrier of 3000 "reputation" points can prevent all other users to interact with a question.
(I know there are constraints due to the software but I am sure that any clear policy adopted by users on closing questions can be implemented just by being stated: this is a civilized site!)

Cleanup http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1589/cleanup/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1589/cleanup/ Tue, 07 May 2013 17:42:36 -0700 Scott Morrison I deleted some comments, which are think are no longer relevant (an erroneous comment, its correction, and retraction), because of weird typesetting issues that were causing them to spill way off the page, and someone complained. For posterity, here they are:

I cannot reproduce your equality in Mathematica: your rhs is about 49, see code: N[(-Zeta'''[1/2]/Abs[Zeta[1/2]] - 3 Zeta''[1/2] Zeta'[1/2]/Abs[Zeta[1/2]]^2 - 2 Zeta'[1/2]^3 Abs[Zeta[1/2]]^3 - Pi^3/4)/7, 30] – Per Alexandersson 2 days ago

@Per I don't have Mathematica. Is it possible you are working with low precision? This Wolfram Alpha query returns error 10^(-15): wolframalpha.com/input/…z_2z_1%2Fz_12^2+-2*z_1^3%2Fz_12^3+-+pi^3+%2F+%284%29%29%2F7%29%2Cz_3%3DRiemannZeta%27%27%27[1%2F2.0]%2Cz_2%3DRiemannZeta%27%27[1%2F2.0]%2Cz_1%3DRiemannZeta%27[1%2F2.0]%2Cz_12%3DAbs%28RiemannZeta%281%2F2.0%29%29 – joro 2 days ago

@Per: you are missing a / in the second to last term. – Jack Huizenga 2 days ago

@Jack: Thanks! – Per Alexandersson 2 days ago

Are we part of a brave new machine? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1587/are-we-part-of-a-brave-new-machine/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1587/are-we-part-of-a-brave-new-machine/ Mon, 06 May 2013 23:46:08 -0700 grp documents recently submitted by Martin and Pease,
where they discuss mathoverflow and use phrases
such as "social machine" and "social computation".
I will at some point look beyond the abstract and see
if what they say makes sense to me. However, the
contrarian in me is half-inspired to write a rebuttal
along the lines of calling the above phrases "oxymorons".
If nothing else, calling a large collection of heterogenous
organic components, many of which will not work and the
few that do will operate unpredictably, calling such an
assemblage a machine just goes against my personal

So I have a couple questions to ask. First,
is anyone here familiar enough with the
work above to explain it better, and
perhaps knew about it before it was
posted to ArXiv? Second, although
this may be a curmudgeonly viewpoint,
I suspect that more credit for the
success of MathOverflow is being
given than it is due, possibly because
of insufficient historical background
(E.g. the Manhattan project, older
forms of 'crowdsourcing'); does
anyone here share the concern
that the claims of effectiveness
might be exaggerated?

(I will applaud the authors for
raising the questions and doing
the work; I think forums such as
MathOverflow should be analyzed.
The abstracts given leave me with
the feeling that the statements are
prematurely definite, and that more
circumspection is warranted, however.)

Gerhard "Unprepared To Be A Cog" Paseman, 2013.05.06 ]]>
apology for retagging spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1588/apology-for-retagging-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1588/apology-for-retagging-spam/ Tue, 07 May 2013 07:30:02 -0700 Lee Mosher Error in voting http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1585/error-in-voting/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1585/error-in-voting/ Sun, 05 May 2013 13:06:57 -0700 Angelo Riemann hypothesis, again http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1584/riemann-hypothesis-again/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1584/riemann-hypothesis-again/ Sun, 05 May 2013 07:16:00 -0700 Angelo Tag merge/rename requests http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/34/tag-mergerename-requests/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/34/tag-mergerename-requests/ Sun, 08 Nov 2009 16:52:24 -0800 David Speyer
fourier-analysis fourier-transform
monoidal-categories modular-tensor-categories
derived-category derived-stuff
categories category-theory
graphs graph-theory
homology homological
publication publishing

Should we try to merge them in some way? ]]>
Deletion http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1581/deletion/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1581/deletion/ Fri, 26 Apr 2013 06:43:06 -0700 avocat
I think we all agree that obvious spam (i.e., is my proof of RH correct) and homework questions should be deleted. I suspect that we do not all agree with the idea that all soft questions should be deleted if they have received highly upvoted answers and comments.

I hope the mods will chime in with what they think the deletion policy should be. ]]>
Intriguing anti-anti-spam technique http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1543/intriguing-antiantispam-technique/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1543/intriguing-antiantispam-technique/ Mon, 25 Feb 2013 04:51:21 -0800 Andrew Stacey This question hopefully won't be visible for that much longer (indeed, gone already), but I thought I'd bring to attention its title:

[Closed] Huge Relief Unlock/Jailbreak iphone 5,4S,4 iOS 6.1.2 and iPad 4,3,2 Untehtered Produced

That [Closed] was put there by the original poster. The one that the software inserts is put at the end of the post. I suspect the idea was that folks would think it had already been closed and therefore not bother to click through and vote-to-close it.

Fortunately it looks like enough people voted it down to kick it off the site.

Anyway, I thought it a tactic worth noting so that people are aware of it. And to remember (not that it seems needed given the speed this one was dealt with) that even if a spam post is closed, there are other actions that can be taken that will speed its exit (though possibly not pursued by a bear) such as voting down and flagging as spam.

Possible premature closure http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1577/possible-premature-closure/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1577/possible-premature-closure/ Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:18:11 -0700 Douglas Zare

I can see arguments for closing it, and the asker probably isn't in a position to understand the answer. However, I think the question is ok, it was just not asked in a polished fashion. ]]>
User suspension http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1163/user-suspension/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1163/user-suspension/ Wed, 05 Oct 2011 13:20:53 -0700 Scott Morrison I just suspended the anonymous user http://mathoverflow.net/users/18107/balan-antoine. Essentially every question he's asked in the last week has been closed, with no response from him.

tracking comments http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1568/tracking-comments/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1568/tracking-comments/ Wed, 03 Apr 2013 07:06:07 -0700 Katz Any ideas for how to improve a question http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1574/any-ideas-for-how-to-improve-a-question/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1574/any-ideas-for-how-to-improve-a-question/ Sat, 06 Apr 2013 09:18:43 -0700 anthonyquas A grad student I regularly speak with posted this question without getting anything much out. I feel that it was an appropriate question that likely someone out there would have been able to help with. Does anyone have suggestions for improvements he could make in the style of future questions that might lead to more of a response?

String of down votes http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1552/string-of-down-votes/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1552/string-of-down-votes/ Tue, 12 Mar 2013 20:29:08 -0700 Brirush
But then I looked at the other posts on the same page, and more than half the posts on the active page had negative votes, including posts by a large number of different people (including a reference request where the answered was downvoted).

Is someone down voting every question? ]]>
Comments: preview or edit http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1565/comments-preview-or-edit/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1565/comments-preview-or-edit/ Sun, 31 Mar 2013 03:41:44 -0700 jdaw1
It might be that an edit button should have a ten minute time limit on it, after which further changes can’t happen.

Thank you. ]]>
Old questions and new answers http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1564/old-questions-and-new-answers/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1564/old-questions-and-new-answers/ Sat, 30 Mar 2013 18:33:07 -0700 Ricardo Andrade I enjoy learning new things from mathoverflow. So I like to go through some older threads (some only a few weeks old, others as old as three years), think about the questions, and read the answers. Some of these older threads do not have answers yet, or at least satisfying answers. Luckily, some interesting answer to an old question will pop up occasionally.

Question: What is the best way to keep up with these answers to older questions?

As far as I can tell, a new answer will bump the question to the top of the front page, but the turnover there is very high, so it is easy to miss. It does not seem that a new answer bumps the question to the top of tag-specific pages, which would be much more helpful for this purpose. The tag-specific RSS feeds do update when new answers are posted, and this is the only way I have found to somewhat deal with the situation.

I have a few related questions of a more general nature. Occasionally, new answers to old questions are very interesting, especially if the question had not received a good answer due to being difficult. However, it seems to me that such answers may sometimes receive little attention due to the issues described in the previous paragraph. Beyond the obvious consequences, it also leads to reduced scrutiny of what might be a very technical or difficult answer, possibly leaving doubts about its correctness.

Related questions: Is there some way to bolster the attention these answers get? Are there some plans for the future of mathoverflow which seek to address this issue? Do other people even consider it to be an issue?

blatantly offensive? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1562/blatantly-offensive/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1562/blatantly-offensive/ Tue, 26 Mar 2013 11:23:30 -0700 Todd Trimble I'm referring to this question, <a href="http://mathoverflow.net/questions/125528/the-closed-form-of-sum-k1-infty-left-frac23-rightk2-frac3k2">http://mathoverflow.net/questions/125528/the-closed-form-of-sum-k1-infty-left-frac23-rightk2-frac3k2</a>, which was closed as "blatantly offensive".

I saw no edits, and the worst thing about this particular question was OP's peculiar insistence there had to be a closed form, and maybe a mild tone of impatience about the time OP was waiting for an answer over at MSE. But how is it blatantly offensive?

(Another question from OP seemed more obnoxious, as various versions of the question seem to be "baiting" mathematicians. (Incidentally, I didn't see an easy solution to that other question, having to do with $\int_0^1 x^{x^x} dx$, although it's easy enough to get confirmation from Mathematica that that's greater than $\log \sqrt{\pi}$.)

Why has this answer been deleted? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1560/why-has-this-answer-been-deleted/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1560/why-has-this-answer-been-deleted/ Sun, 24 Mar 2013 15:28:01 -0700 darijgrinberg http://mathoverflow.net/revisions/14708/list

Answer by user "VA" to question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/14613 :

"This is just to add 1% to Dmitri's 99% complete answer. Change the coordinates to $w_0,\dots, w_{n-1}$ defined by the formula

$$ w_i = x_0 + \mu^i x_1 + \mu^{2i} x_2 + \dots, $$

where $\mu$ is a primitive $n$-th root of identity. Then the ring of invariants is the subring of monomials

$$ w_0^{k_0}\dots w_{n-1}^{k_{n-1}} \quad \text{such that}\quad n\ |\ k_1 + 2k_2 + \dots (n-1) k_n$$

and a set of generators can be obtained by taking minimal such monomials (i.e. not divisible by smaller such monomials). And relations between these generators are of the form (monomial in $w_i$) = (another monomial in $w_i$). That's a pretty easy presentation by any standard.

P.S. This works over $\mathbb C$ or any ring containing $1/n$ and $\mu$."

Notice that this answer, while not adding any new ideas, noticeably improves upon the exposition of Dmitri's one. It is voted +3, so I am surprised the author was able to delete it in the first place...

what constitutes an "answer?" http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1555/what-constitutes-an-answer/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1555/what-constitutes-an-answer/ Wed, 20 Mar 2013 11:34:52 -0700 j0equ1nn
I answered a question for the first time on Mathoverflow. The next day I signed in to see what folks thought about it. I looked at my profile and next to "answers" it said 0. However next to "votes" it said 1 with an up arrow indicated. But there was no link to the answer I posted. I had to remember what I had typed on Google to find the question in the first place in order to find my answer, and saw that it had received an up vote, which I presume is what the 1 next to "votes" meant. But why is my answer not registering as an answer? Does "answer" on one's profile actually mean the asker's favorite answer?

This is unrelated, but I was also confused about having to set up a membership for meta.mathoverflow separately from having a membership to regular mathoverflow. I just entered the same username and filled the thing out, but is there some reason for this? ]]>
Please vote to close... http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1556/please-vote-to-close/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1556/please-vote-to-close/ Wed, 20 Mar 2013 15:30:04 -0700 Bill Johnson http://mathoverflow.net/questions/118438/question-about-bidual-normed-space

to prevent MathOverFlow from pushing it back to the front page periodically. The question is no longer relevant.

How to use MO as a "multiplicator" http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1554/how-to-use-mo-as-a-multiplicator/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1554/how-to-use-mo-as-a-multiplicator/ Fri, 15 Mar 2013 11:37:46 -0700 Hans Stricker
Eventually by cleverly "constructing" a clever question around it?

Or should one accept the stance that MO is not a place to multiplicate "nice" pieces of mathematics? ]]>
Reopening "Proofs without words" http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1553/reopening-proofs-without-words/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1553/reopening-proofs-without-words/ Fri, 15 Mar 2013 10:59:08 -0700 Hans Stricker
Every now and then someone might come around with another sparkling example. (E.g. this one: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mchmutov/fgt/fgt.html ) If a majority believes there have been too many examples of this kind, so it's better to close the question: I will accept that. But I (personally) would prefer the opportunity to make such a convincing "proof without words" known to the MO-community. ]]>
Request for discussion. How much tragedy is appropriate for MathOverflow? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/918/request-for-discussion-how-much-tragedy-is-appropriate-for-mathoverflow/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/918/request-for-discussion-how-much-tragedy-is-appropriate-for-mathoverflow/ Mon, 24 Jan 2011 21:15:20 -0800 grp
The more cogent parts of my initial reaction to this post were on the order of revulsion, the thought that this could trigger copycat episodes, the idea that salacious bits of gossip make for tempting reading, and other things which I find socially negative in the context of (my idea of) the MathOverflow community.

I can argue on the other side that real life happens, that tragic affairs are not banned from the mathematical culture at large, and that a more mature and hardened soul might acknowledge Gerry Myerson's post and move on. This argument still leaves me unsettled.

What I want is to be settled, either by community agreement that the post is inappropriate for MathOverflow proper and thus should be removed, or a discussion by enough of the community to come up with a rationale for why it is appropriate, or a policy guideline from an administrator that says why such material is to be allowed. I don't expect to have the community serve my whim, but there is an issue raised by this post, even if I can't clarify what the issue is. I think it important enough to discuss and see if this is a pants-wearing issue, or something even more serious.

I want to make clear that in other contexts, I would not object and might even welcome the information in the post (although not for enjoyment or entertainment). Also, despite my reaction above, I believe Gerry Myerson is correctly quoting and attributing his source. My concern is that this bit of information is misplaced and that it is to the detriment of MathOverflow. I wish I could clearly explain why, and hope that someone else will.

Gerhard Paseman, 2011.01.24 ]]>
Would this question be acceptable? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1548/would-this-question-be-acceptable/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1548/would-this-question-be-acceptable/ Sun, 03 Mar 2013 16:36:28 -0800 Todd Trimble Some years ago there was what certainly appeared to be an interesting pair of articles side by side in the Bulletin of the AMS (January, 1992), both about information-based complexity theory (about which I know nothing), initiated by Traub and Wozniakowski. The first, by Beresford Parlett, was an extended critique of work of IBCT, focusing on two representative papers and claiming that parts of IBCT are "true, but mistaken" (i.e., seriously misleading, in spite of the fact that the mathematical proofs were impeccable). The second was by Traub and Wozniakowski, defending their work and the IBCT program generally. Preceding this pair of articles were remarks by the Editors, Morris Hirsch and Richard Palais, recognizing not only the controversy witnessed by the two articles themselves, but the controversial nature of their decision to open the pages of the Bulletin to such a debate.

At the time of reading it, I felt unable to reach a conclusion of which side had the stronger case, but I've always been curious about this and particularly what has transpired since. My general question would be: has the apparent disagreement been resolved by now, and if so, how?

Such a question might be considered controversial for MO (just as the debate was controversial for the Bulletin). In addition, this is not a question arising from my own research; it's more like idle curiosity on my part, so I'm afraid the motivation for the question is not very strong, except that I like to see mathematical issues resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

Is such a question acceptable for MO, or could it be made acceptable?

Should one attack hard problems - closing/reopening http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1546/should-one-attack-hard-problems-closingreopening/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1546/should-one-attack-hard-problems-closingreopening/ Wed, 27 Feb 2013 06:13:42 -0800 David White http://mathoverflow.net/questions/123081/should-one-attack-hard-problems-closed

Thought it might be nice to have a meta thread for discussion so the comments don't get out of hand. It managed to get 4 answers before being closed, as well as a comment which is more highly voted than any answer:

"I'm not sure this is an ideal MO question because it doesn't have a unique answer, it just has people's opinion. But here's my opinion. I've supervised over 10 PhD students to completion and one thing I know is that if you give a PhD student a problem for which there is a non-zero chance that after 4 years they have done nothing worth publishing (e.g. because the problem has been studied for so long by so many people that 4 years isn't enough), then you have just ruined that person's math career. On the other hand, at least once a month I try to work on a famous unsolved problem for a bit. – wccanard"

I agree with this comment and don't know why anyone would want to reopen the question. ]]>
Please consider reopening "Not especially famous, long-open problems ... mathematics beginn http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1540/please-consider-reopening-not-especially-famous-longopen-problems-mathematics-beginn/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1540/please-consider-reopening-not-especially-famous-longopen-problems-mathematics-beginn/ Thu, 21 Feb 2013 23:31:20 -0800 Alexander Chervov
Not especially famous, long-open problems which higher mathematics beginners can understand [closed]


The main argument for closing was: "I think for the MOMENT we have enough active open problem lists..."
So time passed, it seems now there are no active "problems lists".

I think the question is great one. ]]>
Sharing on social media http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1530/sharing-on-social-media/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1530/sharing-on-social-media/ Sat, 09 Feb 2013 23:16:47 -0800 Tom LaGatta When we switch over to MO 2.0, will we be able to easily share questions & answers on social media? e.g., click a button, post on Twitter.

I know generally features are not implementable in the current software. Is adding social media sharing an easy thing to tweak, or should we just wait for MO 2.0?

Is MO down now? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1542/is-mo-down-now/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1542/is-mo-down-now/ Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:02:04 -0800 Noah Stein "We are offline" http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1531/we-are-offline/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1531/we-are-offline/ Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:35:18 -0800 Todd Trimble This message has been popping up with some regularity today when I tune into MO. Are these rumblings of the big move to the Stack Exchange platform?

Trichotomies in mathematics http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1525/trichotomies-in-mathematics/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1525/trichotomies-in-mathematics/ Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:34:02 -0800 David White http://mathoverflow.net/questions/120612/trichotomies-in-mathematics

I feel like it's grown too massive, both in comments and answers, so I wanted to make a thread to discuss here.

For me, this question is quite arbitrary (see Eric Wofsey's highly-voted comment). The only argument I could see for leaving this open at all is Todd Trimble's comment that it might get some useful answers. But now it has 23 and I feel like that's enough. I'm thinking it's time to close, because this is the sort of question cranks love to answer. I'm sure that if it remains open it will pop up to the front page in the coming months with low-quality answers and will push new questions down the page. Furthermore, because the OP keeps editing to include others' answers, that also bumps the question. This really seems like it would be a better fit for a blog than for MO.

Of course, once it gets closed it'll get votes to reopen and we may get into a tug of war. So this meta thread might come in handy. For now: does anyone have any reasons this should remain open? ]]>
Non-math arXiv tags http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1528/nonmath-arxiv-tags/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1528/nonmath-arxiv-tags/ Fri, 08 Feb 2013 10:37:49 -0800 Alexander Chervov cs.something q-bio.* q-fin.* stat.*
I think it is not bad to use them, but seems other users have other opinion. ]]>
Large number of edits triggers a Community Wiki status http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1524/large-number-of-edits-triggers-a-community-wiki-status/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1524/large-number-of-edits-triggers-a-community-wiki-status/ Wed, 30 Jan 2013 13:16:36 -0800 Ricardo Andrade
Here is the background for what prompts this post: I asked a question (http://mathoverflow.net/questions/119619/homotopy-type-of-embeddings-versus-diffeomorphisms), which received a partial answer by Tom Goodwillie. I then placed a bounty on the question. A little while later, I apparently solved the question, and posted my answer (http://mathoverflow.net/questions/119619/homotopy-type-of-embeddings-versus-diffeomorphisms/120186#120186). Being very picky, I edited it several times (for wording, exposition, technical details, etc) but without introducing any significant global changes. So the question got marked CW automatically (it had 3 votes at the time). It was only after this happened that I learned about the automatic switch to CW after too many edits. For the record, it seems to have occurred at least once before with another answer of mine.

In any case, it seems people are accepting my answer, and Tom Goodwillie also endorsed it; so I ended up marking it as accepted (the question now has 9 votes; I assume Tom's endorsement has somewhat swelled the vote count).
In the end, the bounty I placed, and the extra votes got "absorbed" by the CW status. The reputation points are not so much the issue, but the fact that this behaviour of the software seems to have unintended and unwanted consequences:
(1) It marks some answers as community wiki which are otherwise no more worthy of that status than any random answer on mathoverflow. Perhaps I am interpreting the term "community wiki" too literally, but one could say the automatic switch constitutes a misclassification.
(2) It also may discourage beneficial editing and improvement of answers and questions, due to its effect on reputation. One may certainly argue this is a small effect, as it is probably a rare occurrence for most users of mathoverflow. Nevertheless, reputation is partly meant to encourage behaviour which is beneficial for and desired by the community. In this light, the automatic change to CW after lots of edits does not seem entirely appropriate.

Can you thus enlighten me regarding current (and future) policy on the automatic change to CW status after too many edits by the author? ]]>
What are the major current questions in [[ subarea ]]? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1519/what-are-the-major-current-questions-in-subarea-/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1519/what-are-the-major-current-questions-in-subarea-/ Mon, 21 Jan 2013 07:30:46 -0800 geraldedgar Are these questions good or bad? We just closed one on "real analysis", but (also on the front page) I see that one on "design theory" is going strong.

Should this question about amateur publishing have been closed as spam? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1514/should-this-question-about-amateur-publishing-have-been-closed-as-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1514/should-this-question-about-amateur-publishing-have-been-closed-as-spam/ Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:27:56 -0800 Teo B
In my opinion the question is more than sincere. This is not spam, it's someone asking for advice.

I'm myself a professional mathematician, and of course I generally share the opinions of professional mathematicians with respect to this kind of stories. Here we agree. But this is not what I wanted to talk about: (1) first this is a question about publication, which seems to me on-topic, why not leaving it open, and (2) this is a forum having as audience many many amateurs, so why then being rude to such a request? Is this really a good idea? Is this what we want? ]]>
What is your stance on civility? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1512/what-is-your-stance-on-civility/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1512/what-is-your-stance-on-civility/ Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:02:52 -0800 Manishearth Hi! I'm Manishearth, a moderator on the Physics Stack Exchange. Recently, we had a bit of a bruhaha on our site, and it came to our notice that quite a few prominent members of our community feel that we ought to remove the rules regarding civility, as they are "detrimental to physics discussions". I have repeatedly heard stuff along the lines of "conflict is necessary for a physics community to thrive" — I don't argue with that, my main contention is against non-constructive conflict (personal attacks, etc). I personally have no issue with comments saying that a post is wrong (as long as they give a reason why) — these are constructive. Most of this is coming from the theoretical physics subcommunity.

So why am I rambling about this here? Well, MO is the largest research level community that I know of on the Net, and seems to be a pretty great place. I don't see any rudeness, nor any propensity for it. So, my questions are:

  • What is your stance on rudeness/civility? Do you allow harsh comments/personal attacks in the context of a technical discussion?
  • What are your thoughts on "civility is detrimental to technical discussions"?
  • If you require civility everywhere, how did you (as a community) manage to uphold that without alienating good community members who disagree? Or was this a non-issue for you?

These questions are mainly directed to the community, though input/advice from MO mods would be great!

Also, I'm not sure if this question is on topic for your meta--after all, it doesn't help your site in any way. Please let me know (and close the thread) if it isn't :)

How did I get a badge? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1513/how-did-i-get-a-badge/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1513/how-did-i-get-a-badge/ Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:31:11 -0800 Michael Hardy should this non-zero determinant question have been closed? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1511/should-this-nonzero-determinant-question-have-been-closed/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1511/should-this-nonzero-determinant-question-have-been-closed/ Mon, 07 Jan 2013 08:21:24 -0800 Todd Trimble I'm hesitant to bring this up, since someone might point out why it's trivial, but the question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/118225/how-to-show-a-certain-determinant-is-non-zero-closed was closed yesterday, with a comment by a high rep user that this site is not for homework. (Edit: Since the user removed his comment, I have now edited this post to remove his name.) How sure are we that this is homework? It might very well be I'm missing some obvious proof, but for some reason it doesn't seem that easy to me. (Meanwhile the question was asked and answered at mathstackexchange.com, but it doesn't seem to me the answer is completely correct; I am unable to comment there, but I left a comment on this under the MO question.)

Questions about the profession http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1509/questions-about-the-profession/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1509/questions-about-the-profession/ Wed, 02 Jan 2013 13:55:09 -0800 voloch I just posted a comment on the following question


which I think deserves to be discussed here.

I think this is way off topic for MO. I will refrain from voting to close as I can see from this and other examples that there is an incredible pent-up demand for this kind of discussion which doesn't seem to have other outlets. I wish the AMS or a similar organization showed some leadership to create a forum for discussions about the profession. Is there any AMS officer among MO users?

A positive answer to the Riemann hypothesis: A new result predicting the location of zeros http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1489/a-positive-answer-to-the-riemann-hypothesis-a-new-result-predicting-the-location-of-zeros/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1489/a-positive-answer-to-the-riemann-hypothesis-a-new-result-predicting-the-location-of-zeros/ Sat, 15 Dec 2012 08:07:12 -0800 zeraoulia How is MO useful for me? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/ Thu, 06 Dec 2012 19:39:32 -0800 François G. Dorais This is coming from this recent thread and a few other things that are going on in the background of MO these days.

We often hear good things about how MO is useful in a mathematician's daily work. "MathOverflow is like the colleague down the hall" is something I hear very often. Our founder Anton once said: "I want(ed) MathOverflow to be useful for me!" Other moderators, including myself, have been caught saying similar things here and there.

I would like to know how MO is useful for YOU!

(Input from "lurkers" is especially welcome! Note that meta.mathoverflow.net is completely separate from mathoverflow.net. You don't need a MathOverflow account to post on meta. Even if you do have a MathOverflow account, your meta account is not tied to it in any way. Anonymous posts are also welcome.)

Why did this question got closed ? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1497/why-did-this-question-got-closed-/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1497/why-did-this-question-got-closed-/ Thu, 20 Dec 2012 08:35:26 -0800 Shanmukha Hello,

I have asked a question regarding usefulness of mathematical open problems. The question got closed immediately , Can someone tell me why ? Now I noticed a serial down-voting. Why is that so ?

Anyway here is the question .

Thanks !

MO and the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1494/mo-and-the-philosophy-of-mathematical-practice/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1494/mo-and-the-philosophy-of-mathematical-practice/ Tue, 18 Dec 2012 03:12:36 -0800 jonbannon
Certain philosophers of mathematics are interested in aspects of [the philosophy of mathematical practice.][1] Mathematicians, perhaps, would be interested in philosophy that may affect their day to day work, as is noted near the end of Gowers's article on [whether mathematics needs a philosophy][2].

JDH's curiosity about structuralism on a recent Bourbaki thread makes me wonder:

>**Question:** Is there an appropriate "stack exchange" for questions on the philosophy of mathematical practice? Is MO a good place for such questions? If the answer to the second question is `yes', then what are some guidelines for asking appropriate questions of this nature?

I ask the final subquestion because I really don't think that we want to see an overpopulation of the front page of MO by philosophical language. In fact, I think that would be a disaster.

I think questions about the philosophy of mathematics are inappropriate for MO in general, but may be interesting for mathematicians if handled elsewhere. Unfortunately, philosophy.stackexchange doesn't seem very helpful for the type of question I'm thinking of. I'm also not interested in a site that is dominated by questions targeting old foundational issues more than contemporary practice. I imagine, also, that many naive questions would populate such a forum and so am not necessarily suggesting that one would be a good idea.

[1]: http://www.ams.org/notices/201203/rtx120300424p.pdf
[2]: https://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~wtg10/philosophy.html ]]>
Spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1430/spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1430/spam/ Wed, 22 Aug 2012 19:24:03 -0700 Andy Putman The "ownership" of users of their answers http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1495/the-ownership-of-users-of-their-answers/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1495/the-ownership-of-users-of-their-answers/ Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:07:54 -0800 justcurious
1. I discover a mistake in my answer, and decide to delete it. I might further edit the answer so that even 10K+ users can't see the original text, although I guess they could read the original post by examining the editing history if they wish.

2. I decide - simply on a whim - to delete my answer. I may or may not edit the answer so 10K+ users see the original post. Perhaps I do this because someone else has posted a "better" answer. Perhaps I'm offended that the OP didn't accept my answer, whatever.

3. I edit an answer that has already been accepted by stripping it of all content.

In 1, I think I would be justifiably annoyed if a high-rep user/moderator rolled back my answer and undeleted it, making my original error available for everyone to see (together with my username, which might be a real name). In case 3, it would seem reasonable that the OP un-accepts the answer and the community votes the new "answer" down, but even in this case I'm not convinced that the moderators have the "moral" right to roll back my answer against my will. However, others may feel differently. (I presume, without any justification, that "legally" the website "owns" my answer, although I'm not sure.)

Is there (or should there be) a consensus on these matters? ]]>
Structural bias on MathOverflow http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1483/structural-bias-on-mathoverflow/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1483/structural-bias-on-mathoverflow/ Sun, 09 Dec 2012 21:17:19 -0800 François G. Dorais Gil brought up bias against women in another thread. We had a lengthy discussion about this some time ago (which eventually degenerated). At a recent meeting where I was asked to talk briefly about the main issues that MathOverflow has had, I mentioned "demographic bias" as one of them. Although we recognize the importance of this issue, we have not found much that we (the moderators) could do about this. Of course, we welcome feedback on this important issue.

Warning: This is a sensitive topic! Please stay on topic and be respectful...

More spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1496/more-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1496/more-spam/ Thu, 20 Dec 2012 03:07:59 -0800 Angelo Bourbaki thread http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1490/bourbaki-thread/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1490/bourbaki-thread/ Sat, 15 Dec 2012 11:18:30 -0800 Ryan Budney This "is structuralism quackery" thread has three votes to re-open and two votes to delete.


I don't think it deserves to be re-opened. I'm not so sure if it should be deleted. But this could be a borderline case people want to discuss.

Graham number and beyond http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1493/graham-number-and-beyond/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1493/graham-number-and-beyond/ Mon, 17 Dec 2012 17:03:24 -0800 Andres Caicedo
I think it has potential, and have voted for it to be reopened.

Having spent some time playing with fast growing hierarchies, I see why the OP struggles trying to comprehend the magnitudes involved. On the other hand, there are mathematical reasons why these large numbers become harder and harder to grasp (as more and more induction is needed to prove that functions in fast growing hierarchies are total).

H. Friedman has some interesting comments about "large finite numbers". In the paper of that name, for example, he talks about the Ackermann hierarchy A_n and says that k=A_5(5) is "incomprehensibly large". Since the number A_k(k) is claimed as an upper bound for what he calls n(3) (see page 7 in http://www.math.osu.edu/~friedman.8/pdf/EnormousInt112201.pdf ), we may actually want to come to terms with these incomprehensible magnitudes.

The question gives us a chance to see explanations that may help us with such a task. ]]>
Let's close the question about approaches to the Riemann hypothesis http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1488/lets-close-the-question-about-approaches-to-the-riemann-hypothesis/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1488/lets-close-the-question-about-approaches-to-the-riemann-hypothesis/ Fri, 14 Dec 2012 13:27:02 -0800 Andy Putman Doob's inequality http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1487/doobs-inequality/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1487/doobs-inequality/ Fri, 14 Dec 2012 13:03:30 -0800 MemT $$\mathcal{P}\left[\sup_{0\leq t\leq T}|I_t|>\lambda\right]\leq \exp\left(-\frac{\lambda^2}{2M^2T}\right).$$

First I tried by defining $Y_t^{\alpha}=\exp\left(\alpha I_t-\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^t f^{2}(s)ds\right)$, where $\alpha\in \mathbb{R}$ to get an upper bound. But I need to know how to show that $Y_t^{\alpha}$ is a mgale. Thank ]]>
Merging with stackexchange 2.0 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1478/merging-with-stackexchange-20/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1478/merging-with-stackexchange-20/ Fri, 07 Dec 2012 17:39:27 -0800 Ron Maimon
This is the first stackexchange type site that I visited. I have not participated very much, mostly because I am not a mathematician. I learn mathematics incidentally, if it is relevant to physics, or to biology, or if I feel I just need to know it to be a cultural human being, as I honestly feel that you folks are busy producing the most important stuff in our culture. You work hard, and I think you deserve to control your own fate.

If you move to stackexchange, you will no longer control your own fate. The stackexchange sites are subject to a uniform code of rules, enforced by a uniform moderation policy, and this policy is not decided by mathematicians, nor by scientists. It is decided by people who play political games on the internet. These games are similar to the political games in real life, so you end up with governance that is like the former Soviet Union: it looks nice on paper, and seems to work well on the surface for a casual visitor, but it is very dark for those inside.

The stackexchange system gives elected moderators unlimited power to block users from contributing. These moderators are elected in elections where one is not allowed to recommend who to vote for, or speak against any of them, they are sham elections. The moderators are drawn from a pool of political people network wide, the voters are causal visitors to the site, and the result is not at all representative of the wishes of those who actually use the forum. The moderators you will have will not give a damn about technical accuracy, or basic mathematical or scientific honesty. Their only goal will be winning a ridiculous game of childish internet politics. This means that they don't care if _any given proof is right or wrong_, they don't care if any given attribution is right or wrong. The only care what the other moderators _think about_ whether it is right or wrong, and whether the person saying it's wrong is acting in a way perceived by someone as disruptive. if you find a mistake in a proof, it cannot help but be perceived as disruptive. If you give an alternate proof, this is automatically disruptive too. Paul Cohen was very disruptive.

Making yourself part of stackexchange will remove your administrative independence. You will allow yourself to be run by non-mathematicians, who will make the ultimate call about what gets said and what does not get said. This can easily make it impossible to get accurate straight answers here. The problem of mathematics might be more immune to this sort of thing, because there is a more or less objective standard of proof, and math.stackexchange has fared better than most, because of this objective standard, but it is not a guarantee.

Don't fix it if it ain't broke, and although I know it is time consuming to the wonderful people who run the site, please don't give up your independence. You are a beacon of light to other disciplines right now. The politics on stackexchange are permanently broken, in the same way politics on wikipedia are broken, in the same way human politics is generally broken at all times. Non-physicists are busy moderating physics.stackexchange, and I do not want to see it come to pass that non-mathematicians end up moderating math overflow. ]]>
Well my reputation suddenly shot down to '1' why ? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1482/well-my-reputation-suddenly-shot-down-to-1-why-/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1482/well-my-reputation-suddenly-shot-down-to-1-why-/ Sun, 09 Dec 2012 14:04:25 -0800 Shanmukha Never Mind, I got a message from MO

User fer http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1479/user-fer/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1479/user-fer/ Sat, 08 Dec 2012 02:42:45 -0800 Angelo Is there any way to display more questions? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1472/is-there-any-way-to-display-more-questions/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1472/is-there-any-way-to-display-more-questions/ Tue, 27 Nov 2012 13:10:59 -0800 David White
I'm wondering if there is a setting I can change to fix this, or if it's one of the few pieces of the software which we have control over. I imagine it wouldn't be hard to have an option to show 100 or 200 questions, and then maybe I'd be getting 50 or more of the questions I like to show up at once. The other solution I can think of (which might be hard to implement from scratch, but which maybe there is a setting for) is to have the software first trim the list of questions down to those on my good list of tags and then display the top 50 of those. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! ]]>
questions on basic and not-so-basic probability from one user http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1473/questions-on-basic-and-notsobasic-probability-from-one-user/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1473/questions-on-basic-and-notsobasic-probability-from-one-user/ Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:55:29 -0800 Yemon Choi The user 25005 seems unwilling to every clarify where these questions come from; some have the flavour of homework, some I am not sure about. Do any more probabilistically inclined people have a view one way or the other?

Closed questions http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1469/closed-questions/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1469/closed-questions/ Fri, 23 Nov 2012 15:31:40 -0800 Jonah Sinick
In particular, http://mathoverflow.net/questions/110931/what-can-we-do-to-raise-awareness-of-reciprocity-laws-closed was closed, http://mathoverflow.net/questions/111519/why-might-andre-weil-have-named-carl-ludwig-siegel-the-greatest-mathematician-of initially received 3-4 votes to close, http://mathoverflow.net/questions/112699/quotations-about-the-power-of-simple-ideas-closed was closed, and my question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/114284/applications-of-the-class-number-formula-etc just received a vote to close.

I don't want to get into an argument about whether or not my questions should have been closed. However, I wanted to raise two points:

1. The fact that my questions keep getting closed is making me feel unwelcome at MathOverflow and is reducing my interest in participating. I imagine that I'm not the only person who's felt this way. Of course, the community may judge the cost of driving away some participants to be worth the benefit of discouraging questions that it deems inappropriate. But I wanted to raise the point that there is in fact a cost.

2. It's not clear to me that the mechanism by which questions are closed is one that reflects community consensus. High variance questions (which some people really like and some people really don't like) are apt to be closed by default. Because the number of votes needed to close a question is fairly small, questions that a large majority of community members really like and that a small minority of community members really don't like are apt to be closed.

I recognize that (i) in order to maintain the integrity of a forum not all opinions should count equally and that (ii) there are questions that people may be tempted to engage with which are ultimately detrimental to them and that people may want to have safeguards against engaging in with these questions. But my own impression is that neither of (i) or (ii) is being addressed in an optimal way. ]]>
Why was my answer deleted? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1466/why-was-my-answer-deleted/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1466/why-was-my-answer-deleted/ Sun, 18 Nov 2012 15:02:14 -0800 Jay Kangel Does the number of views of one's own profile include self views? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1463/does-the-number-of-views-of-ones-own-profile-include-self-views/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1463/does-the-number-of-views-of-ones-own-profile-include-self-views/ Thu, 08 Nov 2012 16:49:01 -0800 Tim Why are my questions deleted without even being informed? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1462/why-are-my-questions-deleted-without-even-being-informed/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1462/why-are-my-questions-deleted-without-even-being-informed/ Tue, 06 Nov 2012 19:22:16 -0800 dr
My username : Rajesh D

Someone please explain me. Today I was surprised on not seeing my questions on my home page. ]]>
Do we know who wrote Banach's thesis? No, but... http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1464/do-we-know-who-wrote-banachs-thesis-no-but/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1464/do-we-know-who-wrote-banachs-thesis-no-but/ Fri, 09 Nov 2012 09:49:31 -0800 Margaret Friedland Can I assign bounty for a question? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1460/can-i-assign-bounty-for-a-question/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1460/can-i-assign-bounty-for-a-question/ Fri, 02 Nov 2012 04:31:03 -0700 Anixx

stays from March and remains unanswered. Is there a way to facilitate the answers by assigning a bounty? ]]>
ABC and MO http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1461/abc-and-mo/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1461/abc-and-mo/ Sun, 04 Nov 2012 11:25:17 -0800 voloch
http://bostonglobe.com/ideas/2012/11/03/abc-proof-too-tough-even-for-mathematicians/o9bja4kwPuXhDeDb2Ana2K/story.html ]]>
Bumping "teh n00bz" up from -1? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1459/bumping-teh-n00bz-up-from-1/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1459/bumping-teh-n00bz-up-from-1/ Thu, 01 Nov 2012 09:54:57 -0700 Yemon Choi No, the title is not an excerpt from Brass Eye's episode on drugs...

It seeems to me that someone or some group is very consciously going round upvoting questions which have been closed and downvoted as off-topic, presumably on the grounds that these have often been asked by people who just didn't read the FAQ but meant no malice. Or perhaps someone strongly believes that negative vote totals for new users are overly censorious/unfriendly/exclusive/elitist/reactionary?

Is this just my imagination?

What happened to the main site? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1457/what-happened-to-the-main-site/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1457/what-happened-to-the-main-site/ Tue, 30 Oct 2012 08:40:50 -0700 voloch Asking at more that one place http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1456/asking-at-more-that-one-place/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1456/asking-at-more-that-one-place/ Mon, 29 Oct 2012 13:17:37 -0700 Mariano Can we add a little blurb to the FAQ explaining that it is not a good idea to ask a question on MO and elsewhere (like MSE) at the same time, and why?

I think this is happening more often now, for some reason, so having the usual arguments at some accessible place would help being nice when closing those questions.

Evaluation of potentially credible papers should be allowed http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1447/evaluation-of-potentially-credible-papers-should-be-allowed/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1447/evaluation-of-potentially-credible-papers-should-be-allowed/ Sat, 29 Sep 2012 23:59:34 -0700 Greg Kuperberg
First, it's not really consistent to be able to ask about the ideas of a paper, without also being able to ask about whether it's correct. (Nor vice versa! The two issues always go together.) In fact, there are already a lot of questions along the lines of "where is the mistake", where either the poster has a mistake or sometimes his source has a mistake. Second, no other web site has proved to do a better job of critiquing dramatic announcements. It's a service to the community to have the discussion on MO. If you prevent these discussions here, then it's a waste; it's pursuit of rules just for the sake of rules.

Again, if the paper in question is "a short and concise proof of Fermat's Last Theorem", then you can simply say that alternative mathematics is off-topic for MO. It's not the same situation. ]]>
Postgrad Mathematics http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1454/postgrad-mathematics/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1454/postgrad-mathematics/ Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:20:22 -0700 vtt
I think that if an intermediate level site took off then I would find it more interesting than either Mathoverflow or Mathematics.

See also meta post at http://meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/6420/postgrad-mathematics ]]>
Cannot find my question - was it deleted ? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1453/cannot-find-my-question-was-it-deleted-/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1453/cannot-find-my-question-was-it-deleted-/ Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:19:02 -0700 Alexander Chervov
I cannot find it now, despite I tried all searches. The question has been closed and had 2 downvotes (as far as I remember). Was it deleted ? If yes, can you please indicate why ? And what is procedure for deleting ?
Is it described in FAQ ? ]]>
Preamble added by yahoo anonymous to Dimitrov's answer http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1451/preamble-added-by-yahoo-anonymous-to-dimitrovs-answer/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1451/preamble-added-by-yahoo-anonymous-to-dimitrovs-answer/ Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:17:50 -0700 deane.yang Reopen J.Humphreys Can Wikipedia be a reliable (and sustainable) resource for advanced mathematics? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1449/reopen-jhumphreys-can-wikipedia-be-a-reliable-and-sustainable-resource-for-advanced-mathematics/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1449/reopen-jhumphreys-can-wikipedia-be-a-reliable-and-sustainable-resource-for-advanced-mathematics/ Sun, 14 Oct 2012 04:02:35 -0700 Alexander Chervov
The question is quite old - 2010, but seems to me quite (very) important. Similar question comes to my mind also, but it seems to me reopening old question is better way than asking new one.
It seems there was no meta thread for closing.
It seems discussing reopening on meta is what is usually suggested.

The main argument that Wikipedia, is highly (top 1-2 ) important resource for math education,
and partly research, so is directly related to math community.

As far as I understand the closing party argument was that questions is too much discussiony,
but, hey, almost all top-voted questions are "soft". ]]>
Mathematics and music http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1402/mathematics-and-music/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1402/mathematics-and-music/ Thu, 05 Jul 2012 17:51:44 -0700 Artie

is attracting some argument and rather off-topic responses. It has already been closed and reopened (at least) once; it might be good to have a discussion here about its appropriateness, or an appropriate form into which it could be edited. (Personally I am in favour of closing it, but I don't have enough rep to vote.) ]]>
Why all these answers as comments? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1392/why-all-these-answers-as-comments/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1392/why-all-these-answers-as-comments/ Thu, 21 Jun 2012 06:20:26 -0700 Martin B.
It seems to me that this happens more often than in the early days of mathoverflow. One reason might be that one is in a hurry and doesn't want to spend time writing a detailed answer. But: Often comments actually contain whole answers. And it's no harm to write a short and concise answer!

What do you think? And above all, how can we change this (if you are in favour of a change)? ]]>
clicked wrong reason for closing http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1448/clicked-wrong-reason-for-closing/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1448/clicked-wrong-reason-for-closing/ Thu, 04 Oct 2012 03:39:10 -0700 Andreas Blass MathOverflow turns 3 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1444/mathoverflow-turns-3/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1444/mathoverflow-turns-3/ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 21:22:57 -0700 Anton Geraschenko Friday, September 28, MathOverflow turns three. Great work and congratulations everybody!

3    Question:
˅    How do I celebrate?

5    Answer: 
˅    Friday night party with your math pals.
Crank http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1445/crank/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1445/crank/ Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:48:50 -0700 Andy Putman
Something should be done to keep this from going out of hand. As I said in my comment, I flagged it as spam, which I think fits the situation given that the author has a previous (now deleted) post on the same topic. If other people flag it as well, then the system will delete it and we can put this unpleasantness behind us. ]]>
Anonymous users voting to close/reopen questions http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1173/anonymous-users-voting-to-closereopen-questions/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1173/anonymous-users-voting-to-closereopen-questions/ Mon, 17 Oct 2011 07:29:45 -0700 quid I was recently made aware of the fact that some (or at least one) person(s) are (is) concerned about the fact that anonymous users vote to close and reopen questions (for source and context, please see below).

Out of general considerations, as well as being (one of) the reason(s) for this concern, I would like to ask the community for opinions on this matter, and in particular I would like to ask those for whom this should be a concern to voice it, if possible, including a reason for it.

Some remarks:

  1. This is not intended as a general debate on anonymous usage of MO (this has happened in the past, and in case somebody should like to restart it, s/he can count on my participation, but please do not start it in this thread). Only whether the act of voting is a specific concern is the subject of this thread.

  2. How frequent are anonymous users that vote: this is a bit hard to tell as it depends on ones precise definition of 'anonymous', and which one is relevant depends on the precise reason for the concern. In any case, under most typical definitions, a few percent of the entire voting user pool (although there are certain ramifications to this question that would increase this percentage to a more significant fraction, though perhaps I should not digress).

  3. This debate is not entirely abstract, since at least I am willing (in certain ways) to react to concerns that should be raised. However, which line of action would be useful to address the concerns depends on their precise nature, the reason for the concern. Thus, please, supply it.

Source and context:

The concern was raised by Gil Kalai in a discussion with me in the meta thread of the "Common false believes" question (towards the end). I did not quote him here directly, since this would more or less make it necessary that I also rigth away 'reply', and this would make this starting post a bit long and potentially push the discussion in a certain direction. [@Gil Kalai: could you please reraise your concern here, even if only by coping it, thank you.] That he is only/specifically concerned about the voting, however, informed the precise phrasing of this post (I hope I am not commiting a misinterpretation, yet it seems very clear).

Summary and repetition:

This thread is for opinions and concerns regarding the fact that anonymous users vote to close and reopen questions , not about anonymous users in general.

Personal note: I intend to participate in the discussion, but likely not initially (it depends a bit; I will reply to questions that diretly involve/address me and supply factual information (to the extent I am able to) in case the need should arise without delay, except for the inevitable one).

May be if do not like question - do not read it, but not close ? ("Assume a good will") http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1439/may-be-if-do-not-like-question-do-not-read-it-but-not-close-assume-a-good-will/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1439/may-be-if-do-not-like-question-do-not-read-it-but-not-close-assume-a-good-will/ Sun, 09 Sep 2012 12:08:04 -0700 Alexander Chervov
What is the reason to close questions which are not obvious junk ? [EDIT] obviously not relevant for the site [end EDIT].
I can imagine only one reason - fear that it will provoke more questions like this...
But is it really dangerous trend ? Or just unnecessary fear of something which will never happen ?
Or happens so rarely that is negligble ?

Drawback of closing is obvious - some people are unhappy... ]]>
complaints http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1435/complaints/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1435/complaints/ Sat, 01 Sep 2012 15:48:30 -0700 mick
Too many questions are closed down that appear to me as good questions.

I think math is more than just yes/no questions and if you dont like a subject you can ignore it without closing it.

For instance my last one " Extended Prime Number Theorem " deserves much better imho.


Mick ]]>
Spamassasin marks answer email as spam http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1437/spamassasin-marks-answer-email-as-spam/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1437/spamassasin-marks-answer-email-as-spam/ Wed, 05 Sep 2012 04:25:11 -0700 joro Spamassasin marks answer email as spam

FYI: Got email notification which was marked as spam by the widely used anti spam software spamassasin.

Here is the log:

  From: MathOverflow <info@mathoverflow.net>
  Subject: *****SPAM***** 1 Question Has 1 Answer - MathOverflow
  X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.1 (2007-05-02)
  X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=9.3 required=6.2 tests=BAYES_99=6.1,HTML_MESSAGE=1.8,
    MIME_QP_LONG_LINE=1.396 autolearn=no version=3.2.1
    *  6.1 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
    *      [score: 0.9963]
    *  1.8 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
    *  1.4 MIME_QP_LONG_LINE RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 chars

I can live with this and don't complain, but more aggressive spam settings might bury the email deeper.

Image hosting and SE 2.0 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1417/image-hosting-and-se-20/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1417/image-hosting-and-se-20/ Sat, 11 Aug 2012 18:42:49 -0700 Scott Morrison We're about to migrate to the SE 2.0 network. All of our externally hosted images will continue working just fine. The 2.0 software is tightly integrated with imgur, and the default method to include images actually copies the image into a special Stack Exchange account on imgur. This is great --- we already have a problem with images being lost as individuals' websites become inactive.

I think it would be nice if we could migrate our existing linked images into imgur.

It's possible to do this "by hand". For example, I edited one of Joseph's posts in the sandbox 2.0 site http://dev.mathoverflow.stackexchange.com/questions/103719/lattice-cube-minimal-blocking-sets, and just copied one of his existing URLs to an image, clicked the "add new image" button, selected "from the web" and pasted that same URL. You then need to do a little cleanup to replace the old URL with the new imgur link. Of course, because this is an edit, it bumps the post to the top of the front page, and can't really be done "in bulk".

Alternatively, quite likely we could ask the SE team to migrate all of our existing images, before the new 2.0 site goes live. I'm not sure that they'd be willing to, but I wanted to ask here if people think this would be a good idea before making a request. Any objections?

[Edit (Anton): you will only be able to visit the above link after setting the beta authorization cookie by following this link]

career advice question http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1434/career-advice-question/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1434/career-advice-question/ Sun, 26 Aug 2012 13:51:20 -0700 Todd Trimble This question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/105495/what-can-an-algebraic-geometer-do-outside-academia-closed looks like it's undergoing a tug of war between closers and those who would reopen (there are 4 votes to reopen last I checked). I don't think the question is appropriate for this site, but anyway it seems like a good idea to have people bring their opinions into the open, rather than have the tug of war.

Math job advertisements on MO ? http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1433/math-job-advertisements-on-mo-/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1433/math-job-advertisements-on-mo-/ Sun, 26 Aug 2012 12:22:50 -0700 Alexander Chervov and remembering myself some years ago.

The following seems good for me at the moment - is it possible
to allow/organize math job banners on MO ?

I was in academia for 10 years and when decided to switch I was completely ignorant what kind of job can I find,
what salary I should ask and so on, moreover my feeling were that no one needs any math skills... This is not really the good position for entering job market. ]]>
Loss of a member http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1429/loss-of-a-member/ http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1429/loss-of-a-member/ Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:26:16 -0700 WillieWong (I seem to remember another post of similar nature from a few months ago; if it is not appropriate I ask that the moderators remove the post.)

I just heard through the grapevine that we've unfortunately lost user 9062 to the inevitable ebb of time. Since many members of MO are acquainted with him, I hope it is not outre to share this sad news here.
