tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (How is MO useful for me?) 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla & Feed Publisher olga comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (21035) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=21035#Comment_21035 2012-12-27T14:59:04-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 olga http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/866/ Hello, I really appreciate MO, first of all because I learned a lot of math from here! I'm regularly spending time in looking for interesting questions/answers, then reading them in detail: both ...
I also appreciate a lot the big-list, soft-discussion, history-overview and career-advice discussions, these are often so much better than what can be found on other websites. I'm however quite often sad when such discussions close prematurely, and I was wondering, is there any way of improving that?

It would be so much nicer if MO, which has grown a lot, could go back to a more innocent way of working. It looks to me that most of the potentially interesting discussions that close prematurely are always closed by the same group of 10-20 people.. all reputed, well-known mathematicians, which have of course amassed a lot of reputation here (10-30K) and which seem to be here only for doing very very serious mathematics!

Sorry of course for complaining - this might be not what Francois was asking for... - but I really find MO impossible to replace, extremely useful and important, and I would be so happy to see it - perhaps with some changes in the voting/closing system? - getting a bit more friendly in the future.]]>
Tom LaGatta comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (21025) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=21025#Comment_21025 2012-12-26T17:27:20-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Tom LaGatta http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/115/ MathOverflow threads can be used as a focal point for aggregating useful resources on a particular topic, as well as to bring diverse communities together. For example, I just created a thread on ... MathOverflow threads can be used as a focal point for aggregating useful resources on a particular topic, as well as to bring diverse communities together. For example, I just created a thread on applications of the Giry monad in probability and statistics. In that post, I write:

"For the benefit of future researchers, I've created this community wiki thread to aggregate possible applications of the Giry monad in probability and statistics. My hope is that this thread might be a place for the structuralist and probability communities to come together and learn from each other."

Thomas Riepe comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (21011) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=21011#Comment_21011 2012-12-25T10:24:20-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Thomas Riepe http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/864/ As someone who is just math-curious, I found MO often very helpful. Aside that the sort of comments and links which one normally finds (at least as amateur) not so quickly elsewhere in libraries or ...
Concerning the voting, badges etc. system: I think it would have worked much better if it were designed in a manner which could by design not connect with participant's narcissism. E.g. "points" etc. attached to posts and comments, but completely disconnected to individuals. If I remember correctly, one had experimented in hospitals with anonymised evaluations, where individuals received statistical feedback on their work only, at longer intervals and unnoticeable for others, which worked very well there.]]>
Qiaochu Yuan comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20770) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20770#Comment_20770 2012-12-11T14:23:53-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Qiaochu Yuan http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/13/ MO may have helped me get into graduate school? I think my letter writers mentioned my MO participation. MO may have helped me get into graduate school? I think my letter writers mentioned my MO participation.

Ulrich Pennig comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20742) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20742#Comment_20742 2012-12-10T02:20:08-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Ulrich Pennig http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/852/ I used mathoverflow to find references or explanations especially for stuff that is kind of folklore, i.e. it is known to everybody in a particular field, but not really written down anywhere. ... François G. Dorais comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20732) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20732#Comment_20732 2012-12-09T21:19:14-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 François G. Dorais http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/144/ (Those interested in continuing the discussion regarding Gil's last comment can do so in this thread.) (Those interested in continuing the discussion regarding Gil's last comment can do so in this thread.)

deane.yang comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20730) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20730#Comment_20730 2012-12-09T19:30:28-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 deane.yang http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/9/ I'd like to second the answers of Donu, Greg, and Bill. Andres Caicedo comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20729) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20729#Comment_20729 2012-12-09T18:59:31-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Andres Caicedo http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/251/ I would also be interested in an elaboration, in a new thread.Anyway, I. Laba's post: http://ilaba.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/why-im-not-on-mathoverflow/
Anyway, I. Laba's post:
fedja comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20728) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20728#Comment_20728 2012-12-09T18:53:11-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 fedja http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/29/ "E.g., if you want to understand why it was (and still is) so hard for women to get into mathematical academic activity maybe MO can give you some hints." I'd like to see a more ... rita comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20726) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20726#Comment_20726 2012-12-09T15:59:08-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 rita http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/853/ @gilkalai: could you please elaborate on your last comment? I'm very interested. I've often wondered how many women are active on MO. I would say not so many, but it's hard to tell because of people ... I'm very interested. I've often wondered how many women are active on MO. I would say not so many, but it's hard to tell because of people not using their real names.

Apart from this, I enjoy both answering questions and reading other people answers on MO. I'm sort of shy at asking questions. I usually prefer to ask first people I know. If that fails and if the question does not turn out to be silly or, after all, not so relevant for my research, then I consider posting it to MO.]]>
gilkalai comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20724) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20724#Comment_20724 2012-12-09T14:48:01-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 gilkalai http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/49/ I find MO a good research tool, a good tool for research-oriented exposition. The way I see it, for me MO activity and other Internet-research are not side-matters of less importance to my other ... The way I see it, for me MO activity and other Internet-research are not side-matters of less importance to my other academic activities but they have become important part of my academic life.
MO is also good for examining advantages, limitations, and drawbacks of Internet research activity.

It is also a sort of documented microcosmos which can be quite telling. E.g., if you want to understand why it was (and still is) so hard for women to get into mathematical academic activity maybe MO can give you some hints. (Other examples are: attitude towards applied math, reputation, running collectively an academic endeavor etc.)]]>
Ryan Budney comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20720) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20720#Comment_20720 2012-12-09T11:29:29-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Ryan Budney http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/107/ It's like a screensaver with actual human beings trapped inside the screen! :) It's like a screensaver with actual human beings trapped inside the screen! :)

Bill Johnson comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20718) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20718#Comment_20718 2012-12-09T10:52:06-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Bill Johnson http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/133/ MO is useful for me because it provides a better way to waste time on the computer than any other site I visit. MO is useful for me because it provides a better way to waste time on the computer than any other site I visit.

JDH comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20707) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20707#Comment_20707 2012-12-09T05:18:35-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 JDH http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/420/ The principal draw of mathoverflow for me is the unending supply of extremely interesting mathematics, an eternal fountain of fascinating questions and answers. The mathematics here is simply ... The principal draw of mathoverflow for me is the unending supply of extremely interesting mathematics, an eternal fountain of fascinating questions and answers. The mathematics here is simply compelling.

I feel that mathoverflow has enlarged me as a mathematician. I have learned a huge amount here in the past few years, particularly concerning how my particular area relates to other parts of mathematics. I've read some really great answers that opened up new perspectives for me. But just as importantly, I've learned a lot when coming up with my own answers. It often happens that someone asks a question in another part of mathematics that I can see at bottom has to do with how something I know about relates to their area, and so in order to answer, I must learn enough about this other subject in order to see the connection through. How fulfilling it is when a question that is originally opaque to me, because I hadn't known enough about this other topic, becomes clear enough for me to have an answer. Meanwhile, mathoverflow has also helped me to solidify my knowledge of my own research area, often through the exercise of writing up a clear summary account of a familiar mathematical issue or by thinking about issues arising in a question concerning confusing or difficult aspects of a familiar tool or method.

Mathoverflow has also taught me a lot about good mathematical exposition, both by the example of other's high quality writing and by the immediate feedback we all get on our posts. This feedback reveals what kind of mathematical explanation is valued by the general mathematical community, in a direct way that one does not usually get so well when writing a paper or giving a conference talk. This kind of knowledge has helped me to improve my mathematical writing in general.

So, thanks very much mathoverflow! I am grateful.

shahrooz comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20704) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20704#Comment_20704 2012-12-09T02:38:54-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 shahrooz http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/849/ For me, a PhD student and young lecturer, Mathoverflow is a place that I learned many new things from peoples and mathematicians around the world. With this site, I found this opportunity to talk ... Greg Kuperberg comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20702) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20702#Comment_20702 2012-12-08T20:17:03-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Greg Kuperberg http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/39/ For me, MathOverflow has been "procrastination" of the best kind. In a period when I felt a little bit listless about my continuing research, I learned a lot by trying to answer ... Colin McLarty comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20689) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20689#Comment_20689 2012-12-08T08:42:02-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Colin McLarty http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/848/ It is fun and I learn things I never expected to by browsing it. But the real use for me is to expand my research ability. I get good answers to questions about things not squarely in my field but ... Amin comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20688) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20688#Comment_20688 2012-12-08T05:36:13-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Amin http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/847/ Being in a place which is almost like third world in many important mathematical parts, especially in things I like, MO is essentially a life saver to me ! I can ask occasionally things I feel really ... Fred Kline comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20686) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20686#Comment_20686 2012-12-08T00:36:56-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Fred Kline http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/846/ I consider myself a mathematical mutt --- no papers. Occasionally, I venture off the back porch to play in the yard with the big dogs. Usually I end up back on the porch with tail between my legs.I ...
I have found the Math Overflow users to be helpful and courteous, even when closing some of my posts (under real name: Fred Daniel Kline.)

A couple of years ago, one user gave me a great deal of help structuring my first proof. By doing this, I was able to discover a flaw that was unrecoverable.

I am just starting to formalize a new proof, using an entirely different (and simpler) approach. And I am loving every minute of it.]]>
dimpase comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20685) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20685#Comment_20685 2012-12-07T23:39:32-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 dimpase http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/786/ As USENET mathematics newsgroups are all basically dead, and forums which tried to replace them aren't too alive either, it's great to have a resource that works so well, and managed to attract a lot ...
An ability to enter and edit posts in LaTeX is great, too, and I often use it just to share thoughts with my collaborators. And getting great answers to questions is invaluable too. Answering questions by others is a lot of fun and makes you learn/refresh things quite a bit, too.]]>
Zeeshan Mahmud comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20680) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20680#Comment_20680 2012-12-07T18:48:27-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Zeeshan Mahmud http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/651/ I am an amateur and as seen from my low rep. I often have hard time contributing because I don't have any solid mathematical background. Having said that I try to contribute to the soft, cw-type of ...
So from personal experience, I would love to see more of philosophy/logic related questions where I can contribute which often gets closed from the soft nature. I really love MO and the constraint and the strict moderation actually makes this a fun place.

Not to mention once in a while you come across a question like the one below which restores faith in humanity and makes it totally worthwhile to stick around. :)

p.s. Oh and of course where else in interweb will you find stellar and stalwarts all in one place.

voloch comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20679) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20679#Comment_20679 2012-12-07T17:58:53-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 voloch http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/211/ I've got some very nice answers to the questions I've had. But, mostly I come to MO to answer questions myself. It's an addiction, but I can quit any time. *twitch* Kevin Ventullo comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20678) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20678#Comment_20678 2012-12-07T17:48:36-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Kevin Ventullo http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/270/ MO hasn't directly helped me solve any problems, but it's definitely helped convince me that certain ideas or approaches won't work (usually something which I would've figured out on my own, but ... MO hasn't directly helped me solve any problems, but it's definitely helped convince me that certain ideas or approaches won't work (usually something which I would've figured out on my own, but would've taken much longer).

Also, and this is related to Donu's first comment, the big picture expositions that users like Emerton have written have been especially nice. Longer expositions of these topics exist in various places, but a one-page conversational summary is much easier to digest when you're just starting out.

Jon Bannon comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20677) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20677#Comment_20677 2012-12-07T17:43:05-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Jon Bannon http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/313/ MO has made it possible for me to ask questions I used to only be able to ask at conferences once or twice per year. Like many other mathematicians teaching in small colleges around the country, I do ... anthonyquas comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20675) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20675#Comment_20675 2012-12-07T17:36:46-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 anthonyquas http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/694/ I have found MO invaluable. Particular success stories in my research include http://mathoverflow.net/questions/77952/name-this-periodic-tiling (I'd found a periodic tiling of R^d and *knew* it had ...
http://mathoverflow.net/questions/47869/orthogonal-complement-of-a-subspace-of-a-banach-space was a similar thing.]]>
Paul Siegel comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20674) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20674#Comment_20674 2012-12-07T17:07:54-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Paul Siegel http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/361/ 1) I learn a lot by answering questions. Sometimes it forces me to work out an explicit example of something I already more or less understand, and sometimes I end up learning about something I ...
2) I learn a lot by asking questions. Asking questions in general is my go-to strategy for learning new things, and I've gotten some great answers to my questions. In some cases I have received answers that I probably never would have found any other way. Bill Thurston's answer to my question about the Schwarzian derivative is a stand-out example of this phenomenon.

3) I'd like to second Joel Reyes Noche's comment: I learn a lot from some of the questions that get closed. Sometimes questions whose answers I don't know will get closed for being too basic, and that alone tells me something about how powerful the techniques in other areas are. Also, people often sneak in an answer or comment shortly before such questions get closed, and it's like having a little example worked out for me.

I suppose it's hard to point to something specific in my research that wouldn't have been possible without MO. I suppose this is mostly because there aren't all that many questions about what I'm working on. MO's impact on me has more been about expanding my horizons and helping me gauge my own understanding (or lack there of).]]>
Joel Reyes Noche comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20673) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20673#Comment_20673 2012-12-07T16:26:43-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Joel Reyes Noche http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/601/ I'd like to add some input that may be a little controversial. I once read that one way to learn about something is to try to change it. That is, one learns a lot by looking at a system in trouble ...
Questions that are closed interest me. By finding out what makes a question (or an answer) bad (say, lack of definitions), I learn a lot about what makes a question (or an answer) good.

I also learn a lot about the mathematics community whenever I see controversial questions and answers in MO. What is considered acceptable? How is a consensus reached? Mathematics is a very social activity and MO allows me to be a part of it.]]>
Mark Meckes comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20672) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20672#Comment_20672 2012-12-07T11:13:08-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Mark Meckes http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/132/ MO gives a glimpse into problems that are interesting to people outside my own field (and outside my department). I don't mean the big-picture questions from other fields, for which I can read ... MO gives a glimpse into problems that are interesting to people outside my own field (and outside my department). I don't mean the big-picture questions from other fields, for which I can read expository accounts elsewhere and for which MO is ill-suited. I mean the subsidiary technical problems which come up in the "real world" (defined in the extremely weak sense of "anything other than the subsubfields of mathematics in which I work, including other subsubfields of mathematics") that may be approachable with methods I know about. Reading, and occasionally trying to answer, such questions is a useful counter to the tendency toward mathematical navel-gazing.

Todd Trimble comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20671) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20671#Comment_20671 2012-12-07T10:14:12-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Todd Trimble http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/411/ Besides giving me an opportunity to read and think about mathematics that I probably wouldn't encounter otherwise, MO provides a window onto how others think about mathematics, which is very ... Besides giving me an opportunity to read and think about mathematics that I probably wouldn't encounter otherwise, MO provides a window onto how others think about mathematics, which is very interesting and useful to me. On occasion, one can see some beautiful and elegant mathematics at play in a relatively informal setting, which is very pleasant indeed. I also like the occasional challenge of answering questions that are not my own.

Donu Arapura comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20670) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20670#Comment_20670 2012-12-07T09:28:06-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Donu Arapura http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/506/ 1. The way mathematicians write is usually different from how they speak. In a way, the answers on MathOverflow have a more immediate spontaneous quality closer to spoken math. I find these very ...
2. In writing my own answers, I've found that it helps to focus my own thoughts about my subject.

(I'm trying to focus on the positive, but I do have some mild reservations as well.)]]>
Ryan Budney comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20669) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20669#Comment_20669 2012-12-07T09:03:52-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Ryan Budney http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/107/ I live on an island with few other people, let alone mathematicians. So this gives me a relatively easy place to talk about mathematics that I find interesting. I live on an island with few other people, let alone mathematicians. So this gives me a relatively easy place to talk about mathematics that I find interesting.

Asaf Karagila comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20668) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20668#Comment_20668 2012-12-07T06:29:33-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Asaf Karagila http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/600/ It helps to kill time! :-)Also it allows me to test the water about certain questions and answers if I am not fully confident in them. I also like how it made a lot of people accessible for questions ...
Also it allows me to test the water about certain questions and answers if I am not fully confident in them. I also like how it made a lot of people accessible for questions and answers. That's always nice.]]>
Marc Palm comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20665) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20665#Comment_20665 2012-12-07T04:07:37-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 Marc Palm http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/844/ My thesis would not have been possible without MO, at least not in its present form. François G. Dorais comments on "How is MO useful for me?" (20662) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1477/how-is-mo-useful-for-me/?Focus=20662#Comment_20662 2012-12-06T19:39:32-08:00 2018-11-04T13:01:46-08:00 François G. Dorais http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/144/ This is coming from this recent thread and a few other things that are going on in the background of MO these days. We often hear good things about how MO is useful in a mathematician's daily work. ... This is coming from this recent thread and a few other things that are going on in the background of MO these days.

We often hear good things about how MO is useful in a mathematician's daily work. "MathOverflow is like the colleague down the hall" is something I hear very often. Our founder Anton once said: "I want(ed) MathOverflow to be useful for me!" Other moderators, including myself, have been caught saying similar things here and there.

I would like to know how MO is useful for YOU!

(Input from "lurkers" is especially welcome! Note that meta.mathoverflow.net is completely separate from mathoverflow.net. You don't need a MathOverflow account to post on meta. Even if you do have a MathOverflow account, your meta account is not tied to it in any way. Anonymous posts are also welcome.)
