tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (Abel prize) 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla & Feed Publisher Scott Morrison comments on "Abel prize" (4119) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4119#Comment_4119 2010-03-26T21:25:42-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Scott Morrison http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/3/ I'm sure anyone who cares has noticed the various posts in the blogosphere, e.g. David Speyer's. I agree that this is a case of "against the rules, but still okay". I'm sure anyone who cares has noticed the various posts in the blogosphere, e.g. David Speyer's. I agree that this is a case of "against the rules, but still okay".

Ryan Budney comments on "Abel prize" (4050) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4050#Comment_4050 2010-03-24T14:17:09-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Ryan Budney http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/107/ As far as I know your post isn't against the spirit of meta, Regenbogen. Harry Gindi comments on "Abel prize" (4043) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4043#Comment_4043 2010-03-24T10:18:49-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Harry Gindi http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/55/ I think that meta is fine for this sort of thing. I mean, having a discussion-y board attached to MO can't be a bad thing. I'm curious what the moderators think of this.I mean, we could post here ...
I mean, we could post here until Scott, Ben, or Anton posts the topic on SBS, at which point, we can move the discussion over to there.]]>
Regenbogen comments on "Abel prize" (4042) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4042#Comment_4042 2010-03-24T09:59:35-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Regenbogen http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/168/ I was aware this is kinda away from what MO is meant for. But I figured it is simpler to post the news rather than posting a thread asking whether this is appropriate. I was aware this is kinda away from what MO is meant for. But I figured it is simpler to post the news rather than posting a thread asking whether this is appropriate.

Harald Hanche-Olsen comments on "Abel prize" (4041) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4041#Comment_4041 2010-03-24T09:17:47-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Harald Hanche-Olsen http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/18/ @buzzard: I take a pragmatic approach. I'd gladly allow homework questions on MO if it weren't for the fact that if we did, MO would be flooded with such, and consequently destroyed. About ... @buzzard: I take a pragmatic approach. I'd gladly allow homework questions on MO if it weren't for the fact that if we did, MO would be flooded with such, and consequently destroyed. About rulebreaking: Rules should be broken only rarely and reluctantly. But the atmosphere is generally informal enough that I think we can trust most participants to know the boundaries of acceptable rulebreaking, and the community will certainly come down hard on anybody who eversteps those boundaries egregiously.

Kevin Buzzard comments on "Abel prize" (4039) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4039#Comment_4039 2010-03-24T08:58:18-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Kevin Buzzard http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/65/ OTOH I definitely "broke the rules" myself at MO with a Cassels-Froehlich thread, which definitely didn't have a precise mathematical question needing an answer anywhere in it. I ... Kevin Buzzard comments on "Abel prize" (4038) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4038#Comment_4038 2010-03-24T08:53:49-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Kevin Buzzard http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/65/ @Sam: I didn't post on s.m.r. in the end. I figured that NMBRTHRY was a good place for it to live, and someone else posted it there. @Pete: I am not sure it's the next---you're right. OTOH a ... Harald Hanche-Olsen comments on "Abel prize" (4037) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4037#Comment_4037 2010-03-24T08:45:26-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Harald Hanche-Olsen http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/18/ Major prizes are only handed out a few times each year. I don't think it's a problem that people use a forum like that to spread the news about it, given the low frequency and great interest to many ... Major prizes are only handed out a few times each year. I don't think it's a problem that people use a forum like that to spread the news about it, given the low frequency and great interest to many mathematicians (not all – I fully understand that some people couldn't care less about prizes). Even though it is strictly outside the charter and all. Besides, it's got it's own thread, so it is easily avoided by the disinterested. Digressions that take on a life their own can be a lot more annoying to the people more interested in the topic whose thread got hijacked.

Pete L. Clark comments on "Abel prize" (4036) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4036#Comment_4036 2010-03-24T07:52:19-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Pete L. Clark http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/64/ 7758337633 -- c.f. http://www.research.att.com/njas/sequences/index.html?q=2%2C3%2C5%2C7%2C2411&language=english&go=SearchActually, are you sure it has been shown that this is the ...
Actually, are you sure it has been shown that this is the _next_ number in the sequence? I.e., that there is nothing in between 2411 and 7758337633?

Contrarily, I agree that such things are not the purpose of this meta site. However, a couple of weeks ago I read a long series of posts (in a thread which started out on topic) on the use of a certain piece of non-American English slang, a topic about which I could scarcely have cared less. This post is a very mild retaliation...]]>
Sam Nead comments on "Abel prize" (4035) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4035#Comment_4035 2010-03-24T07:48:17-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Sam Nead http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/41/ I looked for your announcement on sci.math.research but couldn't't find it! Kevin Buzzard comments on "Abel prize" (4034) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4034#Comment_4034 2010-03-24T06:36:55-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Kevin Buzzard http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/65/ Last week I had something that I wanted to tell everyone because it sort of changed the world a bit (the answer to the question "what is the next number in this sequence: ... Harald Hanche-Olsen comments on "Abel prize" (4032) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4032#Comment_4032 2010-03-24T05:22:49-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Harald Hanche-Olsen http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/18/ (Edit: This post is no longer relevant, if it ever was. Check here if you must know what it was about.) (Edit: This post is no longer relevant, if it ever was. Check here if you must know what it was about.)

Regenbogen comments on "Abel prize" (4030) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/304/abel-prize/?Focus=4030#Comment_4030 2010-03-24T05:05:02-07:00 2018-11-04T13:54:33-08:00 Regenbogen http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/168/ Just to note that John Tate wins the Abel prize. Just to note that John Tate wins the Abel prize.
