tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (Putnam and other ongoing competitions) 2018-11-04T13:48:49-08:00 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla & Feed Publisher geraldedgar comments on "Putnam and other ongoing competitions" (17420) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1237/putnam-and-other-ongoing-competitions/?Focus=17420#Comment_17420 2011-12-05T05:47:10-08:00 2018-11-04T13:48:49-08:00 geraldedgar http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/116/ The Putnam is now complete, so all questions may be posted and discussed. This year we had only that one "leak" here, as far as I noticed. The Putnam is now complete, so all questions may be posted and discussed. This year we had only that one "leak" here, as far as I noticed.

darijgrinberg comments on "Putnam and other ongoing competitions" (17417) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1237/putnam-and-other-ongoing-competitions/?Focus=17417#Comment_17417 2011-12-04T20:34:03-08:00 2018-11-04T13:48:49-08:00 darijgrinberg http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/478/ Until now I even had no idea that Putnam had a floating time frame. Being a moderator on AoPS I might have failed to hide certain topics, or even dismissed complaints as being unfounded... To some ... Until now I even had no idea that Putnam had a floating time frame. Being a moderator on AoPS I might have failed to hide certain topics, or even dismissed complaints as being unfounded...

To some extent I think it is the responsibilty of the competition organizers to let the rules be widely known; when I hear that a certain problem is from an ongoing competition, I want to know (1) the website of the competition, (2) when it is fair game to discuss it (= when the competition has ended), (3) all the other problems of that competition (in order to keep watch for people posting them).

fedja comments on "Putnam and other ongoing competitions" (17411) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1237/putnam-and-other-ongoing-competitions/?Focus=17411#Comment_17411 2011-12-04T15:31:21-08:00 2018-11-04T13:48:49-08:00 fedja http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/29/ This is just a request for moderator control over ongoing math. competition related posts. Please, be aware that some of them like Putnam have several alternative times to accommodate for religious ...
Alas, this year we've got one such untimely post already: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/82648/truncated-exponential-series-modulo-p-deeper-meaning-for-a-putnam-question]]>