tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around) Sun, 04 Nov 2018 14:19:35 -0800 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla 1.1.9 & Feed Publisher Vladimir Dotsenko comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17955) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17955#Comment_17955 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17955#Comment_17955 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 06:41:28 -0800 Vladimir Dotsenko
Let me admit that my attempt to express my viewpoint here was a big mistake, and I would try my best to minimise my participation in discussions on meta. I just don't have energy and strength for that. Provocative comments like the first one of yours do not affect me much, but the comment of markvs enthusiastically expanding on that provocative comment (which I accidentally stumbled upon now) made me uncomfortable. If you are interested to know my opinion on appropriateness of those five questions, could you please find a way to ask me about it privately (e-mail or something)? I don't think I want to revive any discussions here. ]]>
KConrad comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17750) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17750#Comment_17750 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17750#Comment_17750 Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:45:50 -0800 KConrad Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17740) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17740#Comment_17740 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17740#Comment_17740 Mon, 19 Dec 2011 06:40:20 -0800 Alexander Chervov However let me point some objections.

1) "Front page" - it seems to me easy to control - admins may configure it to exclude such kind of "soft-suspicious or whatever" questions...

2) "Audience just for this" - that is my point - why we should afraid of this if those who do not like - can block it ?
I am not sensitive person I will not block anything - if I am not interested I am not looking ...
I guess some people think like me, but others can block...

3) "one will rather sooner than later get bored around here and leave"
well, how many would leave ? Internet, and in particular MO are a kind of drug - not easy to stop :):)
Also currently - if you need to ask something what is the alternative - sci.math.research ? It is not so cool ...
My subjective opinion - not many will leave, but of course, I might be wrong...
Wikipedia - is much more controversy site - but people still there...

4) "soft questions are more likely to cause controversy in various ways" - yep, that is main problem, seems to me. My question is an example - how easy controversy arise and make people unhappy...


Any way it seems to me that the problem not in some logical reason - "influence hiring", "spoiling front-page" - this does not seem to me actual reason. But reason is psychological - people just do not like MO to become "softer", because 1) just do not like 2) they afraid it might spoil it...
But this is just "subjective and argumentative" opinion. I mean: it might be spoiled - might be not - only God knows - not us....
But of course if many people think so - then it becomes a reason by itself. ]]>
quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17738) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17738#Comment_17738 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17738#Comment_17738 Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:27:39 -0800 quid I was somewhat in favor of the particular question but am in general rather sceptic towards soft/list and alike. The general problem regarding why just blocking categories is no really solution was discussed on occassion. Opinions are a bit mixed. My opinion is that one main problem is the general 'image' of the site and which audience it (thus) attracts.

At the moment one can say to somebody, got to www.mathoverflow.net and have a look at front page to see what it is like. Now, if one would start allowing all kinds of things because properly tag people can block it, one would start to explain if you just see the site it does not look good there is all kind of strange stuff. But if you create an account and then in your profie you need just to add this this this and that tag as ignored; and then have an other look it is about alright. Then this could be a problem.

Also, if there are too many soft questions there is a danger of getting much active audience that is here just for this. This might also cause problems. At the moment, if one does not care about roughly speaking research level math one will rather sooner than later get bored around here and leave, which automatically and non-invasively limits the users group to the intended one.

Finally, soft questions are more likely to cause controversy in various ways. This would also have been a danger for this one (I thought for this one, one could keep this under control, but I can see why others disagree). This controversy than spills over eg to meta and so on.

Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17734) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17734#Comment_17734 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17734#Comment_17734 Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:01:35 -0800 Alexander Chervov What do think: can "blocking" categories be a solution to such problems ? Just "if do not want - do not look" ?
I understand that problem might not be that simple, but ...

Yep, I looked his page - amusing, strange that I did not seen it before. ]]>
KConrad comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17730) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17730#Comment_17730 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17730#Comment_17730 Mon, 19 Dec 2011 01:46:16 -0800 KConrad
Concerning the optical illusion, it appears on Kitaoka's page http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~akitaoka/index-e.html and underneath in small type it is indicated that the image is from (no later than) 2003. ]]>
Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17672) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17672#Comment_17672 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17672#Comment_17672 Sun, 18 Dec 2011 03:25:37 -0800 Alexander Chervov but may be it is even better like this.
Picture above from Keith's Conrad homepage with the comment:
"(The figures are not really moving. This is due to Akiyoshi Kitaoka. See here for more information.)" ]]>
Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17671) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17671#Comment_17671 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17671#Comment_17671 Sun, 18 Dec 2011 03:22:47 -0800 Alexander Chervov
As far as I understand from Keith's post he blocked category "soft-question" - why this would not be a solution ?
I guess, that "block" is too soft, since he arrived here - but may be it possible to make "strict blocking" - that if one do not want to see something it will not showed up ?

@Keith amused by your Russian and by this optical illusion
I've seen many but this is most striking.
When was it created ? If 2010 you must put it as an answer to my question :):):) ]]>
quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17609) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17609#Comment_17609 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17609#Comment_17609 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 10:59:34 -0800 quid @Vladimir Dotsenko: Thank you for the reply. First, in retrospect, I should have phrased my first comment differently. Sorry about that. Yet, it was indeed at least also trying to understand your point of view (tough to that end a different phrasing without the provocative touch would have been admittedly more productive). And, sure trying to understand the other person's point of view is important. But, perhaps, if I may say so, since you were so far not active on meta (not sure whether you read it), it might also not have been a bad idea to elaborate on your point of view a bit more. There was nothing to understand, it was a general negative statement.

What I mean is that it is unclear what to you are "questions like this." I can assure you that some people here will understand all five I listed as "questions like this" in this context. Now, after your explanation I/we know that this is in fact not your opinion. Or, when you say that you agree with Ryan that "The reason MO is a success is in part because it has a narrow mission." then it is not clear what this "narrow mission" is in your opinion. The default assumption would be you also share Ryan's opinion on this mission, but from what he tends to say in such discussion I doubt that he will consider 3 of these 5 as fine, and 1 borderline. And which is which? In case at a latter point in time you should have time for further elaboration, I would be interested in it, since your point of view seems not to fall into some of the 'standard categories' on meta-MO and as such would be interesting to have docuemnted in more detail.

Not to take this thread off-topic, I think a somewhat similar purpose could be served if you could say what exactly it is that you dislike about the current question. Say, that it is 'just yet another list' that it is 'subjective' that it is 'possibly controversial' that it 'could influence hiring decisions' that it is 'useless as the information is readily available elesewhere' to paraphrase some of the objections made so far.

ADDED: to my considerable embarssement, I notice that I overlooked one short comment of you yesterday in this thread. This makes some of my assertions irrelevant. However, if it is the subjective and argumentive problem it is not clear to me how this question is so much worse than the less subjective and argumentative of 'qualities of a teacher' and 'a single paper everyone should read', at least one of which you (still) consider as at least borderline. But then perhaps even fine as I guess the one described as a bit on the silly side would be cocktail party.

Vladimir Dotsenko comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17608) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17608#Comment_17608 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17608#Comment_17608 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:02:55 -0800 Vladimir Dotsenko
Second, in a forum discussion (or any discussion, to that matter), there are two common strategies, - to try and understand the opponent's viewpoint, and to convince "the audience" that the opponent is wrong. I believe that you can see how the two last comments you made easily seem to belong to the two different categories (which might have been Scott's concern - for which I express my deep gratitude).

Finally, the answer to your question is that, most importantly, my opinion of what is suitable for MO evolved with time, and while during my first few months on MO I would not feel strongly about the question we are discussing, I do feel strongly about it now. However, it is also true that among the questions I answered that you chose to express your concern about my viewpoint, my current standing is that three out of five are fine, one sort of silly and borderline unsuitable, and one, indeed, completely not suitable for MO. Elaborating on that properly would take more time that I have at the moment, I am sorry about that. ]]>
markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17605) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17605#Comment_17605 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17605#Comment_17605 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 08:46:50 -0800 markvs quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17604) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17604#Comment_17604 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17604#Comment_17604 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 07:36:18 -0800 quid @Scott Carnahan: I do not see why this is an attack, it was a perhaps provocative question, as a response to a particularly strong claim. Basically Vladimir Dotsenko asserts that for example I, but a couple of other people too, are doing something (endorsing this question) that will inevitably turn MO into something annoying.

In addition in this case I really cannot see what anonymity has to do with this. Everybody can check what I say here against what I do on MO too.

Also, I am really curious whether he at some point in time changed his mind regarding what is and is not good content on MO (I changed my mind on some MO related things over time, too), or somehow wanted to make an abstract point that inadvertently got phrased a bit too strongly (IMO) and was rather meant in the way what eg Andrew said (and btw me too on other occassions) or sees a difference between the current question and those other questions or still something else.

So, could you please explain me at what type of 'attack' you see this.

ADDED: Since I just refound it, let me add that nobody objected to the following sentence "I note that your expressed view is not entirely consistent with your own questions and answers." (in a similar discussion and context, which expresses exactly the same thing.)

Scott Carnahan comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17603) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17603#Comment_17603 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17603#Comment_17603 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 07:16:38 -0800 Scott Carnahan @quid: I object to this sort of attack, especially from anonymous contributors.

quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17602) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17602#Comment_17602 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17602#Comment_17602 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 06:41:26 -0800 quid @Vladimir Dotsenko: since you seem to have so strong feelings about this, may I ask you when you arrived at this insight. I assume after answering: A single paper everyone should read, How have mathematicians been raised, Cocktail party math, What are qualities of a good math taecher, Choosing postdocs

Andrew Stacey comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17599) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17599#Comment_17599 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17599#Comment_17599 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 03:33:44 -0800 Andrew Stacey Michal Kotowski: Quite the opposite! It makes perfect sense. If this type of question were common on MO, then those who wanted to set up an alternative forum would have a struggle because everyone would say, "Oh, but we can post those on MO". By closing them and saying "Take them elsewhere" we're helping build up the momentum for the "elsewhere" to exist.

Quid's quite right. I've said many times, and so has Scott Morrison, that I'd be happy to set up such a forum - it would take me about 5 minutes to do - I just don't want to moderate it. So far, no-one has even shown the slightest bit of interest in the idea so my conclusion is that all the people who shout loudly for such a place don't really want it.

The link to Gowers' posts is apt. It's very easy to have ideas, and very good ideas, but not so easy to put them into place. MO is a realisation of a good idea, I think that the nLab/nForum is as well. But I spent a fair amount of time and effort with others thinking about a review site before concluding that it was beyond me (and them) so talk is cheap, as you say.

This particular question matches just about every single one of my "Bad MO Question" signs. What is the point of it? What are people going to do with this information? Are people really going to read those articles (or whatevers) and conclude "This is what 2010 will be remembered for" (why 2010, by the way?). Or is it just a nice warm fuzzy list that's a bit different from the usual lists one gets at this time of year?

The link to Gowers' post is doubly apt because this sort of information is really what journals should be providing. The Journal of K-Theory really should list those articles that the editorial board feels that everyone worker in K-Theory should read, regardless of whether they've been published elsewhere.

So I'm voting to close. I agree with Vladimir that as this type of question becomes more prevalent then my motivation for participating in MO lessens.

Vladimir Dotsenko comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17598) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17598#Comment_17598 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17598#Comment_17598 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 02:24:51 -0800 Vladimir Dotsenko DavidRoberts comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17592) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17592#Comment_17592 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17592#Comment_17592 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 20:48:51 -0800 DavidRoberts @Yemon +Graham's number (to the power of A(G,G)) :P

Yemon Choi comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17590) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17590#Comment_17590 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17590#Comment_17590 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 20:29:18 -0800 Yemon Choi @Ryan: +Skewes number.

Ryan Budney comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17589) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17589#Comment_17589 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17589#Comment_17589 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 20:00:20 -0800 Ryan Budney @michalkotowski, A rather extreme way of putting what you're saying into words would be: there's a group of people unwilling to put the effort into creating the forum they want, so we should allow them to do whatever they like with MO, regardless of how far off MO's mandate that would take the forum.

The reason MO is a success is in part because it has a narrow mission. It isn't plugged-up with opinion pieces, pleas for funding, conference announcements, award announcements, sob stories, CV polishing and such. Because people don't want to read that stuff when they come here. They want actual mathematics.

michalkotowski comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17588) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17588#Comment_17588 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17588#Comment_17588 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 19:48:42 -0800 michalkotowski quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17585) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17585#Comment_17585 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17585#Comment_17585 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 17:19:35 -0800 quid My reading of michalkotowski's comment is that using/allowing to use MO for such things (at least temporarily) would help get the ball rolling. And thus there seems to be an implict suggestion of allowing more on MO. Not to take this thread too much off-topic, at least I will mention something specific to the question too:

While I am in favor of this particular question, I am in general against opening up MO too much. The software is really designed for a highly specific purpose, (ab)using it for other things is just not a good idea.

Yet there are some other activities complementing MO, for example http://www.mathblogging.org/ besides other things makes it easier to follow discussion happening on different blogs. And, they also have a feature to make what Gil Kalai just did for that question (opening a blog post) more efficient by aggregating all such posts on PlanetMO.

Also there is/was (?) an offer by Andrew Stacey to set up a discussion board if and only if somebody volunteers to moderate it. It seems noone ever followed up on this offer.

Ryan Budney comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17584) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17584#Comment_17584 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17584#Comment_17584 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 15:24:58 -0800 Ryan Budney @michalkotowski: so what are you proposing people do? MO meta isn't intended to be the universal repository of all mathematical activism.

michalkotowski comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17582) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17582#Comment_17582 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17582#Comment_17582 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:17:51 -0800 michalkotowski
"Some of you may remember that I once asked an MO question, "How do you find out the latest news in fields other than your own?" At the risk of sounding overly cynical, my summary of the answers would be, "You can't." This is a shame."

As similar "very soft" questions, concerning career advice and other rather subjective meta-mathematical topics, pop up regularly on MO and invariably result in arguments, this IMHO clearly shows that some forum for general discussion about scientific system and similar topics is badly needed. Maybe MO is not the best place for this, but currently there is no prospect of any such venue appearing any time soon. Regarding another comment:

"In fact, recently Tim Gowers has proposed a new MO-like system, where papers can be voted on (the follow-up discussion and post are very interesting too). So things are changing fast, and may be the day your question would be the norm is not too far away."

Unfortunately, many people positive about Gowers' (or similar) ideas limit their commitment to lip service only. This kind of support is of course important, but such a system will never appear out of the blue - there has to be an active, committed group of users willing to actually implement this idea, otherwise for the next few years everybody will say that "This is a good idea" or "the day your question would be the norm is not too far away" and questions like this will still get rejected from MO. ]]>
louigi comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17581) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17581#Comment_17581 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17581#Comment_17581 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 12:40:45 -0800 louigi Alex Bartel comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17577) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17577#Comment_17577 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17577#Comment_17577 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 10:12:36 -0800 Alex Bartel Dear Keith: wow! A minor correction: "мне казались (или лучше показались) неуклюжими".

Hailong Dao comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17575) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17575#Comment_17575 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17575#Comment_17575 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:46:52 -0800 Hailong Dao Dear Alexander,

You made many good points, as did Mark and Timothy. I just want to say that our votes to close did not imply that your question is bad. They didn't even imply that there is any better venue for such question. In fact, as Timothy pointed out, there is none. MO is by far the biggest congregation of mathematicians I know of, and I can see the tremendous temptation to tap in such energy for essentially a good cause. Personally, I would be curious to see the answers too.

Our votes simply indicate some MO members' belief that MO is not yet suitable for such purpose. In fact, recently Tim Gowers has proposed a new MO-like system, where papers can be voted on (the follow-up discussion and post are very interesting too). So things are changing fast, and may be the day your question would be the norm is not too far away.



Timothy Chow comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17574) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17574#Comment_17574 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17574#Comment_17574 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 07:29:25 -0800 Timothy Chow I like this question, but I also see the force of the argument that it is subjective and argumentative and that we do not want to influence hiring decisions.

I would like to echo the comment of markvs that this information is not easy to come by otherwise. Math Reviews once experimented with "Featured Reviews," which were longer reviews of certain papers that were considered by the editors to be interesting enough to highlight. The editors knew that they were being subjective (e.g., the subject matter of Featured Reviews was skewed towards the areas of interest of the most prolific and articulate reviewers), but did not see this as a deal-breaker at first. However, MR soon discontinued Featured Reviews, and I heard through the grapevine that it was precisely for the same reasons that are being articulated here; they were being unwittingly thrust into the role of adjudicating which publications were "the best," and thereby influencing decisions about hiring and promotion.

It seems to me that the mathematical research community could benefit from more knowledge of what is going on in areas other than one's own narrow research area. Admittedly, MO may not be the right venue, but I'm at a loss to suggest a better one. The Cipra/Mackenzie series of What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences is excellent, but there's only so much one writer can cover, no matter how talented and energetic. The only other alternative at present is to look at winners of various prizes. This again is a very short list, and will miss a lot of very interesting stuff that doesn't necessarily have the flashiness to win a prize.

Some of you may remember that I once asked an MO question, "How do you find out the latest news in fields other than your own?" At the risk of sounding overly cynical, my summary of the answers would be, "You can't." This is a shame.

KConrad comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17573) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17573#Comment_17573 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17573#Comment_17573 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 07:14:43 -0800 KConrad Todd Trimble comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17572) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17572#Comment_17572 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17572#Comment_17572 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 07:13:38 -0800 Todd Trimble Thanks, Benjamin. It's all clear now.

quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17571) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17571#Comment_17571 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17571#Comment_17571 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 07:09:24 -0800 quid I tried to rewrite the question in the spirit of this discussion. Also voted to reopen. Just think about it, we cannot give the impression everything only happened in Group Theory, Combinatorics, and Computer Science ;D Kidding aside, I can also understand if it stays close but I also think it could be an interesting list if all goes well.

bsteinberg comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17570) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17570#Comment_17570 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17570#Comment_17570 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 06:55:18 -0800 bsteinberg Todd Trimble comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17569) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17569#Comment_17569 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17569#Comment_17569 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 06:23:25 -0800 Todd Trimble @Alexander Chervov: thanks for your gracious response. You seem to have seen that I simply wanted to help avoid any misunderstandings, but I'm sorry if I seemed to express myself too strongly. (By the way, I didn't know you were the OP; I saw Benjamin Steinberg's name.)

quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17568) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17568#Comment_17568 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17568#Comment_17568 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:45:56 -0800 quid @Alexander Cherov: OP means Original Poster, that is in this case you.

Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17567) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17567#Comment_17567 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17567#Comment_17567 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:40:50 -0800 Alexander Chervov markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17566) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17566#Comment_17566 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17566#Comment_17566 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:17:36 -0800 markvs markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17565) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17565#Comment_17565 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17565#Comment_17565 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 05:07:30 -0800 markvs Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17564) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17564#Comment_17564 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17564#Comment_17564 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 04:26:05 -0800 Alexander Chervov Todd Trimble comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17563) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17563#Comment_17563 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17563#Comment_17563 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 04:16:59 -0800 Todd Trimble I'm not a fan of the question either. One thing I find irritating and which could easily be fixed are the normative words "must" and "should". What everybody must know? Gimme a break. What everybody should know? Says you. If this question must stay open ;-), then why not change the title to "Noteworthy achievements in and around 2010" or something similar?

Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17562) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17562#Comment_17562 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17562#Comment_17562 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 03:19:32 -0800 Alexander Chervov
1) "Influence of hiring decisions" - see Mark's comment above

Nothing except this sounded.

What is use of this question ?
Obviously we get more educated. The answers seems to be quite interesting - since people upvoted them.

"the MO population is quite skewed towards certain subfields" - I think people know it and correct it in their mind, but I do not see any harm from this.

"If you're interested in a subject you have other avenues to find out about recent developments" - I think it is NOT true for many people,
1) people working for industry, but willing to keep some relation with "previous life" - like me (I cannot go for conference, seminars and etc and not much time for digesting the journals - it is much more easy to look at MO ...)
2) Students - they just do NOT know the "other avenues" ...
3) people from "not rich" countries are also restricted in rolling the conferences which is obviously one these "other avenues" ]]>
Vladimir Dotsenko comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17561) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17561#Comment_17561 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17561#Comment_17561 Wed, 14 Dec 2011 02:22:18 -0800 Vladimir Dotsenko markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17560) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17560#Comment_17560 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17560#Comment_17560 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:42:14 -0800 markvs markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17559) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17559#Comment_17559 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17559#Comment_17559 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:36:37 -0800 markvs KConrad comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17558) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17558#Comment_17558 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17558#Comment_17558 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 21:58:53 -0800 KConrad Ryan Budney comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17557) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17557#Comment_17557 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17557#Comment_17557 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:25:29 -0800 Ryan Budney I agree with Scott and Hailong, this is starting to sound too political.

Hailong Dao comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17556) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17556#Comment_17556 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17556#Comment_17556 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 18:50:09 -0800 Hailong Dao I think this question sets a dangerous precedent. Questions like this are always very popular (see, for example this one) but they are not quite appropriate for MO.

In addition, the MO population is quite skewed towards certain subfields, so I am not sure the answers (and their ranking by votes) will paint a very accurate picture.

Also, +1 to what Scott Carnahan just wrote.

Scott Carnahan comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17555) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17555#Comment_17555 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17555#Comment_17555 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 18:35:50 -0800 Scott Carnahan Now that we have solid evidence that answers to this question are likely to influence hiring decisions, we might ask: is this an outcome we want? It seems that such a situation will create unfortunate incentives.

quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17554) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17554#Comment_17554 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17554#Comment_17554 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 18:13:31 -0800 quid @Zeeshan Mahmud: below your answer you have a small button 'edit' (assuming you are logged in, else log in). Click on it. Then you get a window just like the one you had when answering orginally (where you could also chnage the answer if you wanted to). Below this window, there is a small box and to its right it says 'community wiki'. You just need to tick this box and then press the large button 'save your edits' at the very end.

Zeeshan Mahmud comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17553) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17553#Comment_17553 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17553#Comment_17553 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:53:43 -0800 Zeeshan Mahmud quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17552) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17552#Comment_17552 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17552#Comment_17552 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 17:15:10 -0800 quid I agree with Gjergji on everything.

Just to summarize the CW issue, which confused me myself for a while (I only recently learned this thanks to David White).

  1. As soon as the question is CW all new answers will be automatically CW (in particular if it is so from the start all answers are CW).

  2. An OP turning a question into CW does not affect existing answers (as can be seen from the one answer to said question); of course each answerer can individually from the start or also afterwards turn the answer into CW (so one could leave a comment on the answer to request this, this happens sometimes).

  3. A moderator turning a question into CW can make it so that the existing answers are also turned into CW, I believe they can do this more efficiently than turning each answer individually into CW (which I think they also could).

For the existing question I already flagged for moderator attention with the request of turning into CW some time ago (when I wrote my comment). As commented on the question in particular due to this answer issue it seems to me that the 'flagging for moderator' is the way to go for CW (if it is not 'on' right away); I already did this succesfully a couple fo times, yet some moderator please correct me if this is not a good practise. [When we switch to SE 2.0 this will always be like this as there only mods can turn questions into CW or the softaware after many edits or answers I beleive but in any case not OPs right away; to some extent this this also explains that some people do not turn there questions into CW themselves, they are not used to having this abilty].

Gjergji comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17551) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17551#Comment_17551 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17551#Comment_17551 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:01:13 -0800 Gjergji
As for the specific question, I agree with Micheal above. I am very curious to read the answers but I am afraid it might quickly degenerate into a discussion, and therefore find a better home in a blog. On the other hand, I would only vote to close after it starts attracting spam or subjective answers. Perhaps it is a good idea to let the question open for some time. ]]>
Michael Greinecker comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17550) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17550#Comment_17550 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17550#Comment_17550 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:09:40 -0800 Michael Greinecker bsteinberg comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17549) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17549#Comment_17549 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17549#Comment_17549 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:56:46 -0800 bsteinberg Ryan Budney comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17548) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17548#Comment_17548 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17548#Comment_17548 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:51:30 -0800 Ryan Budney @Gerry: answers are not turned into CW if the thread was converted to CW after the answers were posted. I think maybe Anton can convert everything to CW but otherwise it has to be done by the authors of the answers.

Gerry Myerson comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17547) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17547#Comment_17547 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17547#Comment_17547 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:46:21 -0800 Gerry Myerson bsteinberg comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17546) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17546#Comment_17546 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17546#Comment_17546 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:41:46 -0800 bsteinberg markvs comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17545) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17545#Comment_17545 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17545#Comment_17545 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:20:27 -0800 markvs Ryan Budney comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17543) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17543#Comment_17543 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17543#Comment_17543 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 12:05:24 -0800 Ryan Budney I suppose I find these kinds of questions just part of the hype echo-chamber. If you're interested in a subject you have other avenues to find out about recent developments. So it's not clear what kind of special role this thread plays, aside from reinforcing already-existing mechanisms for getting news out.

I didn't vote on this thread as I have "soft question" and "big list" blocked. I suppose that's a pretty clear indication of what I think of these types of threads.

Alexander Chervov comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17542) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17542#Comment_17542 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17542#Comment_17542 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 12:00:55 -0800 Alexander Chervov
So I guess one should have serios reason preventing so many people to discuss what they want.
I do not see any reason like this.

There are many threads like this in MO so closing that particular one does not seem to me fair.

I did not put community wiki flag initially since I simply did not know what is it. Now I put the flag. ]]>
quid comments on "What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around" (17541) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17541#Comment_17541 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1245/what-everybody-mustshould-know-achievements-in-2010-and-around/?Focus=17541#Comment_17541 Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:11:24 -0800 quid Meta thread for

What everybody must/should know achievements in 2010 and around

Quick facts: Closed yesterday without much discussion. Now 3 votes to reopen.

Personal opinion: On the minus side it is really subjective and possibly argumentative. IMO, in case it is reopened people should at least please refrain from expressing their disagreement with nominations verbally. On the plus side it could be interesting.
