tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (Can we close the "Memorizing Theorems" question?) 2018-11-04T13:55:04-08:00 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla & Feed Publisher Andres Caicedo comments on "Can we close the "Memorizing Theorems" question?" (18051) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1107/can-we-close-the-memorizing-theorems-question/?Focus=18051#Comment_18051 2012-01-14T23:00:09-08:00 2018-11-04T13:55:04-08:00 Andres Caicedo http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/251/ It should be undeleted, Scott. Unless I misunderstood, that would be in accordance with Francois's guidelines. Scott Carnahan comments on "Can we close the "Memorizing Theorems" question?" (18048) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1107/can-we-close-the-memorizing-theorems-question/?Focus=18048#Comment_18048 2012-01-14T21:19:47-08:00 2018-11-04T13:55:04-08:00 Scott Carnahan http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/73/ The question was deleted last month. Do people think it should stay that way? It is not particularly highly voted as a question (15), but there is an answer with 71 up-votes. The question was deleted last month. Do people think it should stay that way? It is not particularly highly voted as a question (15), but there is an answer with 71 up-votes.

Todd Trimble comments on "Can we close the "Memorizing Theorems" question?" (15472) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1107/can-we-close-the-memorizing-theorems-question/?Focus=15472#Comment_15472 2011-08-10T11:42:04-07:00 2018-11-04T13:55:04-08:00 Todd Trimble http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/411/ Yes, I think it should be closed now. I'll put in a vote in a moment... Yes, I think it should be closed now. I'll put in a vote in a moment...

thierryzell comments on "Can we close the "Memorizing Theorems" question?" (15470) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1107/can-we-close-the-memorizing-theorems-question/?Focus=15470#Comment_15470 2011-08-10T11:22:13-07:00 2018-11-04T13:55:04-08:00 thierryzell http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/account/457/ The question http://mathoverflow.net/questions/3951/memorizing-theorems, which, in its entirety, consists of "I always have trouble memorizing theorems. Does anybody have any good ...
(This should not be counted as a vote for closure as I don't have the necessary rep.)]]>