tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (Using Maiden name) Sun, 04 Nov 2018 23:12:17 -0800 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla 1.1.9 & Feed Publisher quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (16572) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16572#Comment_16572 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16572#Comment_16572 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 13:11:16 -0700 quid Gil Kalai: I should have added that me quoting was not meant so much as an endorsement for closure but mainly as information. (In particualr, in its edited form personally I have not much problem with the question; I think it is off-topic, as not math related enough, though then not extremly so, if some find it useful to keep it open I certainly won't 'fight' for it being closed.) For purely practical reasons I might find it unfortunate to close the meta thread separately. As we saw in this case, once a new answer is added and the question thus resurfaces questions related to it arise.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (16571) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16571#Comment_16571 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16571#Comment_16571 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:46:58 -0700 gilkalai quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (16569) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16569#Comment_16569 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16569#Comment_16569 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:42:27 -0700 quid Just a reminder what OP of the question said in this thread (Sep 1st):

Anyway, I think the answers provided thus far have provided enough of a basis for future askers of this question to find their own solutions. How do I say this? "I vote to close"? I don't want this question (or its meta-questions) to keep us from our research any longer.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (16568) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16568#Comment_16568 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16568#Comment_16568 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:38:01 -0700 gilkalai Will Jagy comments on "Using Maiden name" (16567) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16567#Comment_16567 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16567#Comment_16567 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:16:28 -0700 Will Jagy Kevin Walker comments on "Using Maiden name" (16565) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16565#Comment_16565 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16565#Comment_16565 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 11:13:00 -0700 Kevin Walker @ESQG: I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with career-related questions which apply mostly to women, or indeed with questions which apply exclusively to women. My impression is that most people who objected to the question did so for other reasons. (I could be wrong about this -- the objections don't make much sense to me, so I might be ill-eqipped to look at things from the objectors' point of view.) In any case, there are already plenty of questions which apply mainly to US mathematicians, or to graduate students, or to post-docs, or to people with spouses facing two-body problems, etc.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (16564) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16564#Comment_16564 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16564#Comment_16564 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 06:28:14 -0700 quid @ESQG: At first I wanted to write a detailed response, but having just type a page with no end in sight, I thought noone will care about a 5+ pages essay on this from me so only briefly (some more details can be obtained from what I already wrote on this, though sometimes in a bit of an unstructured and scattered form):

First, a technical remark, you can access versions of the question by clicking on the date (Presently Sept 1, in the middle below the question).

In my opinion, this debate, and your comment explicitly or implicitly mixes two issues.

The main 'problem' with this question is, in my opinion, what I wrote in my (and globbaly the) first comment on this question:

I quote it for convenincence:

I vote to close this question, as I think it has nothing to do with mathematics. While you ask about mathematicians, I strongly believe that in this regard there is nothing specific to mathematics relative to other scientific disciplines (or perhaps even other professional activities).

In slightly more detail. I consider an advice question on MO as (potentially) appropriate if the situation is directly related to and specific to (research/academic) mathematics. To make the 'specific to' more explicit, if for such a question I believe that the answers would be the same or very similar if it was asked for experimental physics, life sciences, philosophy, history,... (or a significant subset thereof) then I think it is off-topic for MO. As said, I think this question is not specific to mathematics and as such off-topic. As a first approximation, this is all there is to it.

Now, the main part of this discussion is on something quite different and I contributed to it, but somehow this discussion was forced upon me. Due to the fact that various people explictly or implicitly claimed that the question was closed / people request its closure because it is 'for women' or something along these lines. Having my user-name prominently in the case for closure this indirectly, but then quite directly, accuses me of some sort of misogynism (perhaps this word is too strong, but I do not know a weaker as precise one). Pseudonymus or not, I could not let this stand.

I really did not want to start such a debate, and so at first tried to avoid it by saying the following:

If this question and discussion stays active, I would suggest it is changed to a gender-neutral one. I do not think that the differences between such a situation for a male and a female mathematician are sufficiently different to requier carrying out such a discussion in a gender-specific way.

Which in retrospect was too cryptical, as people understood this as some form of complaint that male mathematicians are left out; it seems to me that your comment also goes in this direction. Yet the point of this comment to me was something else: to leave 'gender' out of this debate as to me this was irrelevant for the closure and also to point out something I found unfortunate. I will discuss your disclaimer. But there is something else, and I'd say one can also challenge that the disclaimer applies in this case.

In the original version the second paragraph is missing. So that

Is there a set convention for which name (maiden name or married name) a female married mathematician should use?

clearly suggest that every married woman changed here name upon marriage, and that this is the norm, and that every woman should change her name upon marriage. I do find such a formulation unfortunate.

Now, regarding your disclaimer. But, who is the minority in this context? (Also cf. my response to Yemon on the heavily downvoted answer.) Let us try a slight modification of the first sentence:

Is there a set convention for which name (birth name or married name) a married mathematician should use?

I guess if somebody has a gender-association in this context then it would be 'female person' anyway; the number of people for whom 'mathematician' is so strongly and purely a male notion that even in the context of name-change-on-marriage (which I assume for a person with such a mind-set typically would have strongly female connotations) should meanwhile be quite small, at least so I strongly hope.

Thus, it seems to me not at all clear whether the first part of your disclaimer applies in the present situation. So, that according to your assertion, one could interpret the formulation as unfortunate for this reason. (As I said this was not my issue with the formulation.)

To put it differently, I do think that making minorities visible can be valuable, but the context has to be apt. Otherwise this 'making visible', turns into reinforcing or creating stereotypes.

Yet, none of this all is the reason why I think the question is off-topic and as such should have been closed. If it is not specific to mathematics it is off-topic whether it applies to all, a majority, or a minority of mathematicians.

ESQG comments on "Using Maiden name" (16562) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16562#Comment_16562 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=16562#Comment_16562 Sat, 15 Oct 2011 00:07:08 -0700 ESQG
(Disclaimers: deliberately leaving minorities out is an offense because it exacerbates existing inequity, whereas leaving the majority out may not be any insult. The only problem I can think of is that a lot of female mathematicians learn early that having a non-male gender acknowledged can be a bad sign. Your mileage may vary.) ]]>
quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15949) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15949#Comment_15949 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15949#Comment_15949 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:33:46 -0700 quid Ryan, thanks, I thought there was something specific. The question got bumped recently because of the badge edit; this might too be it. But, I will shut-up now, not to make the thread even longer.

Ryan Budney comments on "Using Maiden name" (15948) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15948#Comment_15948 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15948#Comment_15948 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:09:52 -0700 Ryan Budney @quid: Mostly because of how large this meta thread has become. But you're right, it's possible they were only responding to the MO thread.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15947) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15947#Comment_15947 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15947#Comment_15947 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:06:26 -0700 quid grp: It's gone now. In any case (except in the highly unlikely event it was a serious question), I think it was a joke in very bad taste.

Ryan: why do you think meta specifically? (I'd rather guess the person was not following meta.)

General: But, since the questioner said, one should close the question, one could simply follow this request.

François G. Dorais comments on "Using Maiden name" (15946) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15946#Comment_15946 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15946#Comment_15946 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:02:24 -0700 François G. Dorais It was deleted as spam. Here was the original text:

I have a thesis defense in a month. I heard it important for my career in math to make a good impression on the committee. What color dress should I ware: red or green? What if my eyes are brown? What if my area of research is algebraic topology?

The author was Elsa Pferd.

grp comments on "Using Maiden name" (15945) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15945#Comment_15945 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15945#Comment_15945 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 16:59:02 -0700 grp What question 74312? I don't see it; likely a moderator has deleted it. Hopefully the troll or sock puppet is being properly whacked too.

Gerhard "Ask Me About System Design" Paseman, 2011.09.01

Yemon Choi comments on "Using Maiden name" (15944) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15944#Comment_15944 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15944#Comment_15944 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 16:50:49 -0700 Yemon Choi Ryan, that's my feeling too, but I didn't want to draw notice to the trollery.

Ryan Budney comments on "Using Maiden name" (15943) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15943#Comment_15943 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15943#Comment_15943 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 16:41:19 -0700 Ryan Budney I suspect this is someone who is angry with the way this meta thread is going.


Seems deliberately trollish.

fthorne comments on "Using Maiden name" (15942) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15942#Comment_15942 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15942#Comment_15942 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 13:48:18 -0700 fthorne quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15941) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15941#Comment_15941 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15941#Comment_15941 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:49:23 -0700 quid Thierry, leaving the current question apart, while the rationale "we should close questions that are better answered elsewhere" (in particular if we are not talking about mathematical questions in a narrow sense) makes sense to me. I strongly disagree that this is the 'definition for closing', it could be one of several rationales.

In particular, that there is no better place, or nobody is able to come-up with a suggestion for one, for me does definitely not imply that a question should not be closed. (I won't find it now, but similar sentiments have been expressed by others long ago.)

Nilima comments on "Using Maiden name" (15940) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15940#Comment_15940 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15940#Comment_15940 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:32:35 -0700 Nilima thierryzell comments on "Using Maiden name" (15939) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15939#Comment_15939 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15939#Comment_15939 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:20:46 -0700 thierryzell fthorne comments on "Using Maiden name" (15938) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15938#Comment_15938 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15938#Comment_15938 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 11:59:04 -0700 fthorne
I agree with much of the constructive criticism, but the question is pretty innocent. The OP is a woman, living in a culture where it is very common for women to change their name upon marriage and very uncommon for men, and presumably curious what might be good for her to do if/when she gets married.

Can I please submit that we should keep the tone of the debate down? Reading the entire thread, it is clear that no disrespect is meant by anybody. ]]>
Will Jagy comments on "Using Maiden name" (15937) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15937#Comment_15937 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15937#Comment_15937 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 10:42:24 -0700 Will Jagy Mark Meckes comments on "Using Maiden name" (15936) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15936#Comment_15936 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15936#Comment_15936 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 10:31:53 -0700 Mark Meckes @Thierry: actually, I'm not sure I do disagree with you about those things. (I'm not sure I agree, either, I'm thoroughly undecided about this question.)

Thanks for clarifying your point. In that form I basically agree with you on the general principle. But it's nevertheless not clear to me that there is a better place to ask this question. "Go ask the AWM" doesn't necessarily help if the AWM has no mechanism for receiving and answering such questions. (Maybe it does; I don't know.)

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15934) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15934#Comment_15934 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15934#Comment_15934 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 08:43:27 -0700 quid Hello Jessica,

Meanwhile others have said things similar to what I write below already, but since I said so much above:

First, thank you for the explanation!

Second, your question itself made me write one comment (the first one). I write comments similar to this one about once a day, and several other users do likewise; this is nothing unusual. It is certainly not obvious (and indeed there is no true consensus), which questions are and are not consider as on-topic for the site. The 'faq' and 'how to ask' on the main page give some information on conventions of the site.

I hope you continue to visit the site, and am looking forward to your future answers and questions!



Nilima comments on "Using Maiden name" (15933) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15933#Comment_15933 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15933#Comment_15933 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 08:24:46 -0700 Nilima
Filtered hard, MO ought to be a good site for us that are uncomfortable with social/cultural arcana. One asks a highly targeted question, to which one understands there is a clear answer. Someone may reply. For example, your question, boiled down to its essence, may have more to do with the *mechanics* of maintaining a full publication record. Jose Figueroa had the specific answer. If, indeed, your question is about *mechanics*, then MO is the correct place, not AWM.

MO is NOT a good site to get input which is closer to opinion or advice, though plenty will be available. You've seen this, first-hand.

With the hindsight of some years, here's the only sensible observation regarding social norms I can offer: they are very contingent on your immediate community. I have found that the most helpful social guidelines come from people we know well and trust professionally.

All the best! ]]>
Neil Strickland comments on "Using Maiden name" (15932) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15932#Comment_15932 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15932#Comment_15932 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 07:41:16 -0700 Neil Strickland thierryzell comments on "Using Maiden name" (15931) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15931#Comment_15931 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15931#Comment_15931 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 07:07:16 -0700 thierryzell
But as far as the reasoning goes, the point I'm making is that we should close questions that are better answered *elsewhere* (that should be the definition for closing questions, right?). As far as the hard math questions go, even when no current users can answer them, I cannot think of any better site than MO to ask them anyway, and so in my view they should stay open.

And even then, there are borderline cases: we've had questions that were trans-disciplinary enough that none of us were quite sure if they belonged on MO or elsewhere (e.g. some pretty theoretical stats questions). And, of course, the policy is to close questions that are well-known open problems (like this one: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/73001/is-there-a-smooth-4-manifold-homeomorphic-but-not-diffemorphic-to-cp2-clos ). ]]>
thierryzell comments on "Using Maiden name" (15930) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15930#Comment_15930 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15930#Comment_15930 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 06:59:10 -0700 thierryzell
That being said, is it such a big problem? Aren't there many questions on MO that were not quite ideal?

Well, I guess the difference with this one is that a lot of the discussion on your question is not of the highest quality, in my view, which hurts the overall quality of the site. (And, again, I don't fault you for this, MO users are responsible for what they post.) ]]>
Mark Meckes comments on "Using Maiden name" (15929) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15929#Comment_15929 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15929#Comment_15929 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 06:54:04 -0700 Mark Meckes Especially given the OP's post above the following is maybe (dare I say hopefully) now redundant, but I want to respond to one small point. Leaving aside all the other arguments on both sides, I'm not comfortable with Thierry's argument that the MO community is ill-equipped to deal with this question. True though that may be, the same argument could be applied to hard questions about many subfields of mathematics, and it's dangerous to open the door to the argument (which I'm not claiming Thierry would make!) that such questions therefore don't belong on MO.

JLNelson comments on "Using Maiden name" (15928) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15928#Comment_15928 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15928#Comment_15928 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 06:14:18 -0700 JLNelson
I am the author of the question under discussion.

First and foremost I apologize to those who were upset that this was not a hard math question. I did not know about MathOverflow before I did a Google search related to my question. The first link in the search results was to a "soft question" here, so I thought that if I asked the question and tagged it as a "soft question," then it would not bother those who are here for research questions. Looks like the tagging does not work that way. Sorry!

Second, my intention with asking the question was both for advice and to get an answer that might be found by other women (and men) in the same position. Now that the question has been posed, answered, and perhaps picked up by the search bots, we can hope that the question will not bother MathOverflow users ever again.

Anyway, I think the answers provided thus far have provided enough of a basis for future askers of this question to find their own solutions. How do I say this? "I vote to close"? I don't want this question (or its meta-questions) to keep us from our research any longer.


P.S. Nilima: You wrote, "Questions like this drive me up the wall, for many of the reasons quid describes. They serve to reinforce the impression that women are uniquely unable to figure out professional conventions." I apologize for this impression, but it's not because I am a woman that I was unable to figure out this convention on my own. It is because I am borderline Aspergers, and I need explicit explanations of social norms. ]]>
François G. Dorais comments on "Using Maiden name" (15927) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15927#Comment_15927 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15927#Comment_15927 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 04:57:12 -0700 François G. Dorais Gil, I think it's not a good idea to make sweeping generalizations based on this case. There are far too few such questions to generalize, and the question had several issues by itself notwithstanding the fact that it is not particular to mathematics. This question comes to mind as a much better example of a non-mathematical question on MO.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (15926) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15926#Comment_15926 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15926#Comment_15926 Thu, 01 Sep 2011 04:09:25 -0700 gilkalai thierryzell comments on "Using Maiden name" (15922) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15922#Comment_15922 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15922#Comment_15922 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 17:43:08 -0700 thierryzell
Catch 22 anyone?

I'm sorry, but MO has proved to me beyond a doubt that it is the wrong community to discuss these kind of issues. (Never mind that some individuals might be able to handle it gracefully, the community as a whole does not seem to be able to). ]]>
José Figueroa comments on "Using Maiden name" (15920) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15920#Comment_15920 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15920#Comment_15920 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:43:47 -0700 José Figueroa As I mentioned in a comment to Noah's answer, I think that public author identifiers, although based on your name at the time you get it (at least at the arXiv), are impervious to name changes, so that should be a safe way to make sure that one's publication records are complete regardless of name changes.

Nilima comments on "Using Maiden name" (15919) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15919#Comment_15919 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15919#Comment_15919 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:03:30 -0700 Nilima
1. 'In the specific instance of name-changes following a change in marital status, should one continue to use one's previous name on papers?'

Response: this is not specific to mathematics, and borders on asking for personal advice about your identity post-marriage. The answer is very much contingent on your specific situation and the norms of your field, but surely you will take whatever name you decide, post-marriage, based on your personal situation. Ensuring that your publication record includes all papers you've published, under whichever name, remains your responsibility. For what it's worth, AWM is perhaps too broad to give subdiscipline-specific suggestions. Talk to people in your immediate scientific community about this, in person. They are likelier to be future referees/grant reviewers, and it's important they know.

2. 'In case one decides to change one's legal name for whatever reason, how does one ensure one's publication record includes papers published under prior names?'

Response: this is not specific to mathematics. Make sure to include all papers on your website, maybe remind people of your former name on your website, ensure all papers are linked on the search engines/citation indices used in your field (e.g. on MathSciNet).


Either the concern is about consolidating one's record post name-change, in which case details re maiden names are irrelevant. Or the concern is really about maiden names, in which case MO is definitely not the right forum (since the question does not have a good answer). ]]>
thierryzell comments on "Using Maiden name" (15918) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15918#Comment_15918 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15918#Comment_15918 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:07:44 -0700 thierryzell
But so what? We already know what the answer to the strict question is: there is no convention that people *should* use. Is this extra info helpful? How would I know?

And then Gerhard posted his answer, and the realization hit me: I simply don't trust the collective wisdom of the MO community, gender imbalanced on the wrong side as it is, to come up with useful information. The AWM has to be a better option. There are many career topics on which MO is reliable: I don't doubt that we can discuss the finer points of student-professor etiquette, and even the 2-body problem seems reasonably manageable.

But I'm afraid that too few of us have anything to contribute: for instance, I have my anecdotes, but I couldn't tell you what they mean or what course of action they suggest. ]]>
quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15917) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15917#Comment_15917 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15917#Comment_15917 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:09:07 -0700 quid Gil Kalai's comment reminded me of two (or perhaps there are even more) letters to the editors that appeared in the AMS Notices some time ago, regarding the subject of names in different cultures and related questions (specifically, for online registration at math conferences). In case anybody is interested and does not know them:



José Figueroa comments on "Using Maiden name" (15916) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15916#Comment_15916 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15916#Comment_15916 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:04:57 -0700 José Figueroa Gil: on the subject of the link to Paco Santos's site, this then suggests the following (also inappropriate for MO, in my opinion) question: is there a convention on whether to hyphenate the two surnames? That's a question I had to consider before writing my first paper and I decided to hyphenate them since that seemed to be the only way to keep them both and, for some romantic reason, I thought I wanted to keep both names. Now with hindsight and many headaches later, I'm not so sure I made the right decision.

José Miguel Figueroa O'Farrill Portela Ferrer San Pedro Gómez de Molina Rojas y Andreu :)

grp comments on "Using Maiden name" (15915) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15915#Comment_15915 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15915#Comment_15915 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:04:37 -0700 grp I propose that the etiquette of MathOverflow change slightly. A good answer to a bad or inappropriate question can have three parts:

  • A statement that the question is (one of) bad or inappropriate, or words to that effect;
  • A (dated) explanation of why it is bad or inappropriate (where dated is to cover the situation that standards change);
  • A resource or possible alternative where the question is good, appropriate, or likely to receive a good and direct answer.

The etiquette change is that the information be given in answer format rather than in comment format. It can be changed to community wiki by the answerer or a moderator as deemed appropriate, and the question can be closed or locked depending on how divided the community is on the propriety of the question. This is (in my view) a more respectful treatment for some questions, especially those for which there is still some grey area.

Gerhard "Ask Me About System Design" Paseman, 2011.08.31

Emil J comments on "Using Maiden name" (15913) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15913#Comment_15913 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15913#Comment_15913 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:44:07 -0700 Emil J The Thue–Morse sequence appears after “A more balanced choice would have been ...”, which makes me think that this is just a speculation on the writer’s part, not the actual convention.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (15912) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15912#Comment_15912 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15912#Comment_15912 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:34:54 -0700 gilkalai Amazingly the thue-Morse sequence appears in this convention and I wonder if this is an earlier appearance of the sequence (at list the finite one) compared to its appearance in mathematics. ]]> Emil J comments on "Using Maiden name" (15911) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15911#Comment_15911 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15911#Comment_15911 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:37:29 -0700 Emil J I voted to reopen for the same reason as quid.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15910) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15910#Comment_15910 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15910#Comment_15910 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:09:20 -0700 quid Noah, without 'analyzing' it seems impossible to me to get to the conclusion that this about advice. This is among others why I refuse to assume this. And, in my mind, the answers would or at least should be a bit different; see Gerhard's answer to see what I mean [I am sure it is meant in a nice way and all, but still if this is general interest it could be a bit strange].

voloch, +1 to this suggestion.

Administrative note: the question got reclosed, despite three comment votes to keep it open. Thus, I voted to reopen purely on procedural grounds.

voloch comments on "Using Maiden name" (15909) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15909#Comment_15909 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15909#Comment_15909 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:53:00 -0700 voloch Noah Snyder comments on "Using Maiden name" (15908) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15908#Comment_15908 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15908#Comment_15908 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:32:02 -0700 Noah Snyder I don't understand why people are so interested in psychoanalyzing soft questions. Maybe she's getting married now and it's "advice," maybe she's just thinking about what might happen in a few years and its just "curiosity." Who cares. You'll end up with roughly the same answers either way.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15907) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15907#Comment_15907 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15907#Comment_15907 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:26:16 -0700 quid Noah, but coudn't or shouldn't we wait until we have confirmation regarding advice or not? (This is not meant against the content of your answer.)

Noah Snyder comments on "Using Maiden name" (15906) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15906#Comment_15906 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15906#Comment_15906 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:13:42 -0700 Noah Snyder The person asking the question is female (go to the user page). Although it's phrased a bit strangely, it seems likely to me that it is an advice question.

Timothy Chow comments on "Using Maiden name" (15905) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15905#Comment_15905 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15905#Comment_15905 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:50:22 -0700 Timothy Chow Willie, I also don't think we should re-write the question, because we're all still in the dark as to what the intended question is. For example, Gil seems to think it's an advice question (and maybe that the person asking the question is female?) while I, and quid, don't think it is intended as an advice question. The OP should be the one to clarify; I don't think we should be putting words into his or her mouth. And, if you have a clearly stated question along similar lines that you would like to see on MO, then I'd recommend asking it as a fresh question under your own name, rather than editing the existing question.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15904) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15904#Comment_15904 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15904#Comment_15904 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:05:51 -0700 quid Willie, on a general level we should perhaps wait a bit. It seems the questioner was not online (at least not logged in), since posting the question. A first-hand clarification about the intent of the question 'advice' or 'general interest' could be very helpful. Neither does it make sense if 'we' frame a question and answers along the lines of 'advice' if the intent was 'genaral/historical' overview nor does it make sense to list what somebody did, say, in the 50s if the point is to get advice what to do now.

But now for specific points:

I do not understand Ben's remark. It seems to me the questioner is well aware of the fact that the name one writes on publications does not have to be identical to the legal name [I do not know if this is the correct term but I hope it is clear what I mean]. And, because of this, it is an option to continue to use ones birth name for publications even if one changes ones legal name due to marriage. And, the question seems to be how people decide whether they do this or not. By contrast, if one were obliged to use ones legal name the question would reduce to deciding what if anything one does to ones name on marriage. But this is a different question (still less appropriate).

So, I think what is asked is: under the assumption somebody changes the legal name due to marriage. What are criteria to decide / what is the convention, which name to use for publications.

To me that some change of the legal name happens is implicitly clear in the question. Though it might be helpful to make it more explicit. To me this also to some extent addresses the objection of Jose Figueroa. Of course, not everybody is affected by a change of name due to marriage; not everybody marries, not everybody changes the name on marriage.

But for those who do change the name, what are the implications for the name on publications (and perhaps more generally the name used in the professional context).

I think for a general overview question there is too little to say that is not very general. Except perhaps one turns this into a big-list question of mathematicians that changed the name due to marriage (with or without gender limitation) and the respective implication on publications. However, except for somewhat historical persons, I would be very hesitant to do this, as it seems intrusive to me. For example, I would not list the people I mentioned above. This is the question we have at the moment. Precise formulation aside, I voted to close it.

For an advice question, as Henry Cohn suggests, there might be a couple of things to be said. However, this is not the current question. My opinion on such a question would be that I would not vote to close but it would be very close. My remarks on the formulation regarding gender-neutality apply to this question as well.

WillieWong comments on "Using Maiden name" (15903) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15903#Comment_15903 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15903#Comment_15903 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 07:28:03 -0700 WillieWong Rather then discussing votes and abstract and subjective criteria that differs from person to person, wouldn't it be more productive to discuss how the question can be rephrased? A lot of the comments in this thread suggests that the vote to close is more a response to the question being poorly phrased.

One possibility, taking into account Ben Webster's comment in the original question and Henry Cohn and Tim Chow's comments above, and if the question is actually about seeking career advice:

I have noticed that some female mathematicians continue to publish under their maiden names after getting married, while some do not.

For example, Fan Chung is married to Ron Graham, but she publishes under "Fan Chung." Vera T. Sós is another married woman who continued to use her maiden name, but the T. stands for Turán. Yet, I'm pretty sure that Emma Lehmer (née Trotskaia) published under her married name. And Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat once published as Foures-Bruhat.

For a mathematician who has published under one name, and now has acquired another, what issues should one consider when deciding which name to publish under, and what are some strategies for how to deal successfully with a name change?

(Go ahead, be brutal, and shape the question into one that you'd like to see.)

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15902) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15902#Comment_15902 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15902#Comment_15902 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 07:01:53 -0700 quid vivek, it is unclear to me what your "really?" refers to. If you read what I wrote you can notice that I explictly acknowledged the fact that women relatively change their name more often than men. As you say yourself there are examples of male mathemticians that changed their name due to marriage. From the top of my head and personally I at least know three (one pre-publication complete change, one mid-career double name, one mid career-complete change).

Indeed, as I argue, the problem with the formulation arises precisely because it is more common for a women to change their name, which gives rise to the idea that there is some 'norm' that the woman changes her name and the man does not, and this idea (which I find problematic) is reinforced and thus perpetuated by formulation like the one I criticize.

The problem precisely arises when the formulation is in line with / reinforces an existing situation of asymmetry. (Under the assumption one is of the opion that the situation should be more symmetric.)
Some professionalls studying question related to gender-equality and language, say that in a society of perfect gender-equality usage of gender-neutral language would be less (or not) important, since a main problem is that a gendered-language can reinforce existing differences

So, indeed, if I would believe that the ratio is the same or similar (and I explictly said it is not), I would have less or no problem with the formulation. Precisely, because there are few males that change their name it is important to give visibility to it, by approriate choice of the language.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15901) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15901#Comment_15901 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15901#Comment_15901 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:32:14 -0700 quid Dear Gil, thank you for the response. In view of the examples you give I understand your point of view a bit better. However, for me these are not quite analogous situations. There are several reasons why I think so:

.) The MO-unfriendly one is quite different. There are two groups defined by gender (at least let us says so for simplicity); in which way you refer to them is not so relevant. The way you suggest is simply more direct. There is one MO community and two groups; how you call them is not that relevant assuming everybody knows what is meant. (The situation would be different if we would be talking about online communities in general. Where the questions 'why are online communities unfriednly to women' and the question 'why are online communities unfriendly to people from the less represented group' are different questions, assuming that there is at least one onlinie community where men are the underrepresented group. It then depends which one you want to ask.)

.) The 'department' one. There are at least three things. First, the current, opposed to the one you describe, question does not ask for any advice, and is in no way linked to the user (this is similar to the above difference). The user does not describe the actual personal situation and ask for something related to it. It as a general question. I would not object to the formulation of a question 'I am going to get married and intend to adopt the name of my future husband. Could you give me some advice on how to handle this name change in my professsional life as a mathematician' (though personally I might rather use 'spouse'). However, this is a different question than the one that got asked. Second, the question you suggest mostlikely explicitly or implictly would present this situation as at least somewhat problematic. By contrast, the names question suggest a naturalnes of the situation. Third, the situation 'female in all male' and 'male in all female' could be more different, than the name-change (relative to gender).

Let me give an other example:

a. "How do female mathematicians with kids handle attending conferences?"

b. "How do mathematicians with parenting-responsibilities handle attending conferences?"

Your reasoning seems to suggest that due to the fact that relatively more women have significant parenting-responsibilities, one should ask the former. I definitely would prefer the later. Except, the question makes in some sense clear why the specific gender is relevant in the context. If it has no particular relvance, the only explanation I can see for its presence are stereotypes.

ADDED: I just now saw your update to your first post. Thank you for mentioning both women and men.

max comments on "Using Maiden name" (15900) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15900#Comment_15900 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15900#Comment_15900 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:08:56 -0700 max
I won't go so far as to claim that males and females are equally likely to undergo a name change (my guess is that still more women change their name than men). But then I also don't see how the number of male vs. female mathematicians doing that matters: Fact is, both happens. ]]>
vivek comments on "Using Maiden name" (15899) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15899#Comment_15899 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15899#Comment_15899 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 05:45:33 -0700 vivek @Quid. Really? Who are all these male mathematicians who have changed their (last!) names? I know of only one example.

José Figueroa comments on "Using Maiden name" (15898) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15898#Comment_15898 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15898#Comment_15898 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 04:42:52 -0700 José Figueroa I did not downvote, but I would have voted to close (actually it was closed before I got to vote). The question has nothing to do with Mathematics and moreover it is extremely culture-specific. In my culture, for instance, nobody changes their name upon marriage. (There are close to 500 million people in this group.) I think that the only possible answers to these questions would be personal annecdotes: there are no conventions and depends very much on specific cases. I have not been persuaded by any of the arguments put forward thus far that this question is appropriate.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (15897) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15897#Comment_15897 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15897#Comment_15897 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 03:23:13 -0700 gilkalai quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15896) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15896#Comment_15896 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15896#Comment_15896 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 03:04:11 -0700 quid Gil, do you mean that it is not a good idea that:

a. the questions are rephrased gender-neutral by somebody else, or b. the questions are phrased gender-neutral in the first place.

For a. perhaps, which is why I did not edit it myself. But, in case you mean b. I strongly disagree.

If one were specfically interested in gender-specific differences, one could add that to the question, too.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (15895) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15895#Comment_15895 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15895#Comment_15895 Wed, 31 Aug 2011 01:13:45 -0700 gilkalai
Probably the most valuable answers can come indeed from female mathematicians who faced a similar dillema. (And an answer from a male mathematician who faced a similar dillema might be welcome as well, and there is no need to change the wording of the question for that.) I think, in spite being mathematicians, we can see that it is a clear advice question.

Probably, (like in the case of 2-body searches), answers where somebody reports on what his (female) colleague have done should be discouraged. It is preferable to avoid such answers altogether, but at the very least, people should not discuss private matters of other individuals without asking their permission in advance.

I am glad that quid's motivation came from objection to reinforces gender-stereotypes that work against women. But phrasing in a gender-free way questions asked by women which to a large extent apply to women is not a good idea. ]]>
Timothy Chow comments on "Using Maiden name" (15894) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15894#Comment_15894 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15894#Comment_15894 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:09:57 -0700 Timothy Chow I voted to close but did not downvote. Henry Cohn has pretty accurately captured my thoughts about the question. What exactly is the question? If we take it literally, the question asks if there exists a certain convention. Obviously, the answer is no, and indeed the person asking the question gives evidence for this. So on a literal interpretation, the question seems to be pointless, and a fortiori off topic.

Now suppose the question is not to be taken so literally. What, then, is the real question? If it had been phrased clearly as an "advice" question, as Henry suggests, then I would not have voted to close. But it doesn't strike me as an advice question. If the OP is prepared to rephrase the question clearly as an advice question then I would vote to re-open.

If it's not an advice question then I'm again left wondering what the point of the question is. Is it asked out of idle curiosity? In that case it strikes me as off topic.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15893) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15893#Comment_15893 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15893#Comment_15893 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:14:00 -0700 quid Yemon, in view of your remark I am not sure I communicated well what is my problem. I try again. Male mathematicians change their name too due to marriage. I see no reason why the question should be restricted to discussing what female mathematicians do, as I cannot imaging there is much difference. In particular, as this restriction has the negative side-effect of reinforcing the idea that women change their name but men don't (as a general principle). Which perpetuates the situation that more women relative to men change their name. Which leads to more women relative to men being faced with this situation and the potential disadvantages in the carreer-development. (Also see my response to Gil.)

Gil, I believe I was not on MO or at least not really active when the other two questions appeared (I'll check and correct if this is wrong). But, it seems true to me there was a strong reaction to this question and the others were successfull. Regarding the motives, I do not know. I can only speak for myself. I did not downvote and tried to write an objective and neutrally phrased closing-comment. Yet, it is true I had a spontaneuos negative reaction towards this question. But, for the opposite reason you seem to suggest. I think the question reinforces gender-stereotypes that work against women. If I had not seen that the questioner is female, and it is thus a save assumption that this was done inadvertently, I would have left an unfriendly comment pointing this out. So, I at first did not say anything.

Henry, I agree.

Finally, I can live with the question being reopened in principle. But it would be important to me to make it gender-neutral: i.e. the 'female' deleted, and perhaps the 'maiden name' changed to 'birth name' (in case this is the correct gender-neutral analog). [Or at least some form of mention that name-change on marriage is not limited to women; I do not know the name-laws of that many countires, but those I know are rather gender-blind; as said earlier, yes, in practise the ratio is different, but I do not want to contribute, however small, to this imbalance by (implictly) presenting it as the norm on MO.] To stress how important, I offer, a bit against my conviction, my vote to reopen if this edit is done. (I believe I can vote to reopen after an edit, even if I voted to close, hope this is correct; I will be online for one more hour. But then will be offline for several hours.)

Henry Cohn comments on "Using Maiden name" (15892) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15892#Comment_15892 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15892#Comment_15892 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 17:09:13 -0700 Henry Cohn Yemon Choi comments on "Using Maiden name" (15891) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15891#Comment_15891 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15891#Comment_15891 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 17:03:59 -0700 Yemon Choi Quid: regarding your misgivings about the gender-specificity of the question, I think it would be fine to have answers to the question that tried to be descriptive as long as they didn't try to be normative. For instance, if people (of either gender) can report on what their female colleagues have done, or have been encouraged to do, then that is not argumentative; it would just be describing what is done. I also don't think the question was looking for debate, it was looking for information.

Yemon Choi comments on "Using Maiden name" (15890) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15890#Comment_15890 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15890#Comment_15890 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:58:38 -0700 Yemon Choi Also, just a reminder to people: please vote up Gil's comment linking to this meta thread, even if you think the question should stay closed.

quid comments on "Using Maiden name" (15889) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15889#Comment_15889 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15889#Comment_15889 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:58:08 -0700 quid A precomment: I was in the process of creating a meta discussion too, I copy over what I planed as my first post, so it does not address all of the points Gil raises. I voted to close (as is and always was visible) but did not downvote. That this question is present and seen as a 'women'-question is one of two problems I have with the question; yet it would be easy to change this one problem. [Correction: for 'present' read 'presented' meaning in the question as posted.]

I repeat what I already said in comments; while I did want to make the second one right away as well, I initially tried to avoid it not to start a gender-debate tangential to the on-topicness; however, since the question seems more active then I envisoned and gender was brought-up in the debate, I then decided to make it.

I think the question has nothing (or very little, in any case too little) to do with mathematics specifically, even in the broad sense incuding community norms or conventions. As I said I doubt there is anything specific about the math community as opposed to other scientific communities and even in a more general professional communities where 'name recognition' has an immediate relevance. I consider most 'convention' question as borderline, if the link to mathematics is in addition at best vague, my opinion is clear.

Moreover, I find the precise phrasing of the question unfortunate (as well as the discsussion that already developped and stayed in the same tone) since it reduces the question of changing ones name (due to marriage) to a question that (only) female mathematicians face. While there can be little doubt that in past and also present (at least in those parts of the world with which I have some familiarity) female mathematicians or women more generally were and are faced with this situation more frequently, there are also male mathematicians and men more generally that change their name due to marriage. This reduction seems particularly unfortunate to me as it is likely to reinforce existing stereotypes along the lines that the woman adopts the name of the man and not the other way round. I am aware that I restricted my discussion to the woman-man model of marriage; this was only done to make my point clearer I hope nobody is offended by this restirction.

In summary, I think the question is off-topic. Irrespective of this, I would ask that (if it remains active) it is changed to a gender-neutral form. (I could edit it, but I would not like to do this just so.)

Yemon Choi comments on "Using Maiden name" (15888) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15888#Comment_15888 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15888#Comment_15888 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:53:18 -0700 Yemon Choi On this occasion, I disagree with quid's readings of the question, and agree with those of alex and of Gil Kalai. I think this fits under the heading of "seeking professional advice from fellow mathematicians who may have more (1st-or-2nd-hand) experience", which is one of those slightly grey areas that I thought were tolerated on MO.

Leaning towards casting a vote to re-open, though I am going to reflect on it for a while before deciding.

gilkalai comments on "Using Maiden name" (15887) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15887#Comment_15887 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/1127/using-maiden-name/?Focus=15887#Comment_15887 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:47:16 -0700 gilkalai
There were questions of similar nature regarding
emailing your professor out of the blue
and about 2-body job searches http://mathoverflow.net/questions/5424/how-does-one-handle-two-body-job-searches and about changing thesis topic
http://mathoverflow.net/questions/24763/advice-on-changing-topic-for-thesis-problem and quite a few more.
None of these questions is specific to mathematics. These questions were very well accepted and were highly decorated. In contrast, the question about using maiden names faced rather unreasonable hostility (including 6 downvotes.)

Personally, I dont like so much such questions on MO. (I did not dislike these questions and others like them enough to either downvote them or to vote to close them.) The reasons I dont like them is that the issues are usually very case-dependant, they somtimes lead to "gossip"-like responses, and the collective advice of the community is not so good. (Sometimes it is based on too optimistic point of view.) In any case, this is a policy issue that we should discuss separately. I dont mind that we decide as a general policy not to allow such questions or to have some strict criteria for them.

What is striking is the different attitude here. ]]>