tea.mathoverflow.net - Discussion Feed (How connected are you?) Sun, 04 Nov 2018 23:27:27 -0800 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/ Lussumo Vanilla 1.1.9 & Feed Publisher Eric Tressler comments on "How connected are you?" (7800) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7800#Comment_7800 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7800#Comment_7800 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:11:45 -0700 Eric Tressler José Figueroa comments on "How connected are you?" (7799) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7799#Comment_7799 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7799#Comment_7799 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:46:42 -0700 José Figueroa Andrew, good luck! If you manage to get "they don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits" into one of your papers, let me know :)

Andrew Stacey comments on "How connected are you?" (7798) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7798#Comment_7798 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7798#Comment_7798 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:26:25 -0700 Andrew Stacey +1 Jose! I've been trying to get quotes from that in to my papers recently ...

José Figueroa comments on "How connected are you?" (7796) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7796#Comment_7796 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7796#Comment_7796 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:25:49 -0700 José Figueroa Even further off topic: this reminds me about the dialogue in Yes, minister (the BBC series) where Bernard explains to Jim Hacker about CMG (="Call me God"), KCMG (="Kindly call me God") and GCMG (="God calls me God"). [For those not in the UK, these are titles of the Order of St Michael and St George.]

Yemon Choi comments on "How connected are you?" (7795) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7795#Comment_7795 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7795#Comment_7795 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 13:09:18 -0700 Yemon Choi Off topic, but: in the British magazine Private Eye, for several years OBN = "Order of the Brown Nose", satirizing the likes of OBE, KBE and all that.

José Figueroa comments on "How connected are you?" (7791) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7791#Comment_7791 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7791#Comment_7791 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 06:25:48 -0700 José Figueroa @Eric, and in case your question was serious (otherwise, please ignore): OBN = Old Boy Network.

Eric Tressler comments on "How connected are you?" (7790) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7790#Comment_7790 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7790#Comment_7790 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 04:22:31 -0700 Eric Tressler Scott Carnahan comments on "How connected are you?" (7789) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7789#Comment_7789 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7789#Comment_7789 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 03:39:22 -0700 Scott Carnahan I can assure you that the OBN (assuming it exists) does not have a unified position regarding puzzles at dinner.

Yemon Choi comments on "How connected are you?" (7779) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7779#Comment_7779 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7779#Comment_7779 Thu, 29 Jul 2010 21:26:09 -0700 Yemon Choi I am not wholly decided here, having only quickly looked over the question, but Hailong's last two sentences ring very true to me. It really does feel like an interesting blog post.

That said, if we're talking about double standards, I'd like to tentatively mutter "maths puzzles at dinner parties rassen frassen" ;-)

Hailong Dao comments on "How connected are you?" (7778) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7778#Comment_7778 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7778#Comment_7778 Thu, 29 Jul 2010 21:17:32 -0700 Hailong Dao I agree with Theo. The question, while nicely written, looks like a survey of non-technical matters, and I think such questions were closed before. In fact, I suspect that if the OP was unknown(google), the question would have been closed by now. If we leave the question, it will reinforce the perception of double standard, or that MO is run by an OBN.

theojf comments on "How connected are you?" (7776) http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7776#Comment_7776 http://mathoverflow.tqft.net/discussion/565/how-connected-are-you/?Focus=7776#Comment_7776 Thu, 29 Jul 2010 20:35:51 -0700 theojf I'm dubious that the question How connected are you? is appropriate as written. On the one hand, it's a wonderful game for a social networking site for mathematicians. On the other hand, I don't particularly care to participate in such a site. On the third hand, I can simply avoid participating in this post. On the fourth hand (and I'm rapidly running out), to the extent this has anything to do with research, it seems that OP is using MO more as a way to reach a large community of mathematicians than to ask a mathematics-research question. On my fifth and last hand, the question has received 12 up votes, and so clearly the question is "of interest to mathematicians".

I have left a comment there directing discussion here. I have also voted to close, but don't feel strongly: if the question is closed, but if the discussion explains why it should not have been, I'll happily vote to reopen.
