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    • CommentAuthorSam Nead
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2012
    I answered a question earlier today (2012/06/02 GMT) about minimal position of a curve with its image under a Dehn multi-twist. Now the question seems to have disappeared. The question was perfectly fine, and I had to think a bit to give a clear answer. So I am left wondering what happened to the question and to my answer! I think that the question was asked by a 1 point user, perhaps named sean. The question was definitely crossposted to SE - the question seems to have also disappeared from that website... it is all very confusing.

    For the record, here is the math.SE post and here is the MO post (currently only visible to 10k+ users on the respective sites since they are deleted). I will send a message to the user on math.SE asking why they deleted their question.

    • CommentAuthorSam Nead
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2012
    Dear Zev - Thank you very much. Nice to know that I didn't imagine the whole thing... Please let me know if anything occurs.

    I voted to undelete. If two other 10Ks do the same, the question will magically reappear.

    • CommentAuthorWill Jagy
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2012
    One more
    • CommentAuthorHMŠ
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2012 edited
    Just wondering (I didn't want to start a new thread): what happened to the Steinmetz transform question? It seemed legit.
    If you are referring to, it was deleted by the person who posted it. It hadn't received any answers or comments.
    • CommentAuthorHMŠ
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2012 edited
    Thank you for the info! Too bad - I hoped to read more about it.

    EDIT: The question resurrected! Thank you, high-rep colleagues!
    • CommentAuthorSam Nead
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2012
    Thanks for restoring the question. It is a reasonable follow-on from the material in the Primer. Totally not clear to me why it was posted and then deleted.