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    I've undeleted 65599. The OP in 63559 mentioned in the answer that "The question is going to be deleted in few days", but I think it is interesting. I'll write an email to the OP.

    Update Aug. 4 2011: The OP said it's okay, so I undeleted the question.



    Here are the questions with answers that have been deleted by the owner since 2011-08-01. (as of Dec 1)

    8172 44499 49084 50134 50180 50481 50600 55083 66275 69168 69660 73090 73744 75366 76486 76492 76526 76860 77077 77143 77356 77512 77689 77850 77908 78096 78110 78379 78384 78437 78662 79689 80517 81284 81877


    I've looked through the questions in the last batch, and I've undeleted 73090, 73744, 76492 and 76526.

    Also, I've undeleted 78437 and 81877, but now I realize that I am not enough of an expert to tell if this was the correct move. In any case, user 18092 ("student") displays a troublesome pattern of deleting questions very soon after receiving answers.

    The following questions look okay to me, and people over 10k in the relevant subjects are welcome to comment: 78379 - algebraic topology 77850 - commutative algebra

    77077 looks like a good question, except for a missing distribution on matrix entries. I think the questioner gave up for some reason.

    I am not ready to think hard enough to judge 44499 and 77143. 69168 looks like a decent question, but the answer was deleted by the answerer before the question was deleted by the questioner. 77356 is about totally disconnected groups - perhaps a bit too simple for MO.

    I think we can safely let the rest of the questions stay deleted.


    Dump reader joins the fray: What was 66275 deleted for?


    Darij, that user asked for their account to be deleted. Would you like to see that question undeleted? (Please explain why.)


    I was mainly asking what it was deleted for, not that much suggesting it to be undeleted. While it seems to be a legit question, the answer is less a mathematical proof than a list of references with comments, so I believe that not much was lost at the end of the day, but I still don't understand why delete such a topic.

    But why does deleting an account imply deleting the questions? We are not DeviantArt, are we?...


    Deleting an account does not imply deleting all the questions. We give users time to reflect before doing this irreversible action, some choose to use that time to delete all their questions and answers.


    So, now that I'm part of the Circle, can anyone explain why was deleted? fpqc? Is a paper being written about that statement?


    Given the timing, I suspect he was upset at my comment about adding citations, and the subsequent upvotes. I think I wanted to see more context, but I did not explain my intentions very well.


    To my non expert eyes it looks like a good question with a good answer from the OP that should not remain deleted. But I would not vote to undelete unless the OK agrees since the only substantive comments come from the OP.


    Something doesn't look right:

    Question deleted by S. Carnahan♦ Oct 23 at 7:40

    Answer deleted by Rob Simmons Oct 23 at 7:40

    These times are way too close to be independent. My guess is that, whoever deletes an answer, the software records is as if it was deleted by its author...

    So, now that we have good reasons to doubt that the answer was really deleted by the answerer, why is the thread still deleted?

    Same for .

    Different poster, same problem:


    Pete L. Clark about #42479: " is fine with me if the question is undeleted. There's nothing terribly wrong with it."

    I personally believe it to be a very instructive question-and-answer combo, even if the proof is easy by any reasonable standards. Does anyone agree with me about undeleting?


    OK, if you are willing to upvote the answer to keep the thread from bouncing back to the first page.


    Yes, I will definitely upvote it.


    OK, I cast the third vote to undelete.


    @darijgrinberg: there is a bug in the software that reports the deletion time improperly if someone deletes an answer, and someone else then deletes the question. This bug also shows up in the "recently deleted posts" list from tools/links (for those of you over 10k).


    Ah, so the time is not to be trusted, but the name is? That makes more sense actually.