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    I am frankly astonished that this question is still open:

    1. It is not about research mathematics.
    2. It is not even specific to mathematics, research or otherwise.
    3. It is a badly written question (what type of graphics? what type of software?)
    4. There is a much better place for this question ( where it probably is already answered and with great detail.
    5. The answers it is gathering are useless: listing software is frankly something easier to do using an internet search engine. Only the TikZ answer has a glimmering of extra information, and even that is not a lot.

    So I've voted to close. Since someone has left a comment disagreeing with me, I've started this thread. (My hope is also that this will get it closed all the more quickly.)

    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011 edited

    I agree on all points.

    However, the recent question Double referencing on arXiv is somewhat similar [added clarfication: to me it shares points 1, 2, and 4, not the others; yet these three are to me key-criteria]. (I, as well as at least four others, thought it was off-topic too; but then there was also disagreement, in some sense including from Scott M.)

    So, it is certainly good to have a discussion.

    [I did however not cast a vote, due to a at least temporary self-restriction.]


    For me, the deciding factor is 4. I would have left this question open before tex.SE appeared, because mathematicians' needs in graphics software are pretty different from the world at large. Now, I close questions like this with "This question will get much better answers at"

    I'd leave the arXiv question open, because many people here will know and care about the answer, and there is no better public forum.


    Update: it is now closed. Nonetheless, if anyone wishes to explain why they think it should have stayed open, or how with a bit of editing it could have stayed open, can do so here.