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    A question on trigonometric sums ( appeared which was closed as off-topic, with a comment that the sum is trivial if one considers the sine as the imaginary part of a complex exponential.

    Admittedly, it's not an exemplary MO question: the OP gave no motivation or source, didn't explain what methods he tried, etc. But I have a hunch that the question was closed mostly because it was deemed trivial, and that it isn't actually. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.) Anyway, my point is that if my hunch is right, then the question looks moderately challenging but plausibly doable, and perhaps with a little more motivation or background provided, it should be acceptable as an MO question.

    (I worry at times that a lot of questions are summarily dismissed as too easy for MO, without taking the trouble to be sure.)

    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2011

    I voted to reopen. Even if it turns out to be too simple, not that much harm is done if it gets answered (or it still can be reclosed or not reopened); yet if it is not simple and closed this can be odd.

    That being said: this question really raises about all red-flags a question can raise (no motivation, language errors, close to basic material,...). And, this in addition with the simple 'solution'...I could very easily see me having closed this, too.

    Note: in case more should share this point of view, it might be worth making an edit to the question to make it more visible again. I did not do this (yet), as I am the first vote-to-reopen, and so thought it might be too early.


    It's been reopened, and by the looks of additional remarks of the OP, it looks like it's come up in mathematical research, although he doesn't specify the exact context, just a vague reference to an open problem of Maz'ya. Certainly it looks non-frivolous in intent.