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    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2011 edited

    [removed as it makes no sense without the preceding post]

    Anyway, in general, I consider question that essentially can only serve the questioner as out-of-scope. From the FAQs: "Try to make sure your question is of interest to at least one other mathematician."

    That being said, I won't complain if the question should be asked. (I guess the fact that in all likelihood it will be closed would rather be a non-issue for you.)

    • CommentAuthorgilkalai
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2011
    Steve, The question being a very specific question about software certification, does not look appropriate for MO. Asking it and then deleting it does not look appropriate either.
    @Gil--The contrast here vs your overall stance on meta is more than enough to convince me to omit this. Thanks for the comment; deleting previous ones.