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    I have a "question" (that I have not posted) about cubicle sets but I am not sure if it is quite appropriate. My issue is "What is a connection of a cubical set". I know that they supposed to be extra degeneracies that are needed to make certain things work. But I am not sure what the intuition behind them is. Why these extra relations, and how should I think about them. I have begun some work involving cubical sets, and I think it would be important to understand what these connections are. Any help is appreciated.

    This question seems quite reasonable, but I can provide a quick answer - see Ronnie Brown's expository writings on higher dimensional algebra. He usually gives ample geometric motivation there.

    • CommentAuthorWill Jagy
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011
    As per your discussion title, Squaricles are introduced on page 12 of "Trust Me On This" by Donald E. Westlake.