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    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2013 edited

    Some hours ago I found a new answer in the Experimental Mathematics question [added: meanwhile also gone] to which I reacted quite harshly, downvote and flagged as spam. The reason for the latter is that this very same vixra-preprint got already mentioned I think at least three times on the site; an occassion I definitely could track down from just 10 days ago [deleted so not generally visible] then posted from a different (anonymous) acount with not much activity but trying to stir up in a in my opinion strange way some discussion around this same subject some 20 days earlier [again deleted].

    The current posting is from a completely new account, which I however suspect to be not independent, without much evidence beyond doubting two independent mentions of that vixra-preprint.

    Yet so far I stayed somewhat alone in my harshness; which suggests it is perceived as overly harsh or the thing was just not yet generally seen. In either case, I thought asking here was a good idea.


    Nah; you're fine quid. It looks spammy to me too.

    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2013 edited

    @Todd Trimble: thank you for the quick feedback! (Meanwhile, it is up to four flags.) [Added later it is deleted now.]