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    • CommentAuthorAngelo
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2013
    I meant to flag the second comment of balan-antoine in , but I ended up voting it up, which was quite far from my intention. Is there a way of undoing this?
    I don't think there is a way on MO. On SE 2.0 they added a feature that you can undo a comment within a few minutes (two? five?) after voting, but then you cannot vote/flag it again.

    I suppose that if MO migrates within some finite number of days (with an upper bound of, say, 10,000,000 days?) then no one would even bother to begin modifying any piece of code, even if MO is still being mildly updated from time to time.
    It seems that balan-antoine is begging to be suspended. Could the mods grant his wish?
    • CommentAuthorquid
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2013

    I agree with Misha Kapovitch. This user (balan-antoine) is quite a repeat-offender in addition see for example in and there were other issues too. (I flagged the question for mod-attention a while ago, motivated by the now gone comments.) And the last "answer" seems even worse.


    We're on it. Please contact us directly if you notice alternative accounts show up in the interim.