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    We're going to have a MOderator election. To discuss how the election should work, go to this other thread. The purpose of this thread is to produce a pretty complete list of candidates, so that when we post a question on MO itself, we can post all the "answers" right away, so it will be minimally disruptive. If there's somebody you think would make a good moderator, post a comment here, perhaps with a short blurb. Please do not use this thread to vote. If you want to support (or anti-support) a nomination, there will be a time for that later. If somebody nominates you, please post a comment accepting or declining the nomination.

    Candidates should

    • want to be moderators,
    • be patient, fair, respectful,
    • preferably have >1500 rep,
    • preferably be active on meta.

    Moderator powers will be granted to an existing account; the new moderator won't start a separate account for moderation purposes. Remember that moderator powers come with significant responsibility. Moderators can close questions, lock/delete posts, and suspend users, but much of the job takes place "behind the scenes." Moderators contact people off-site to resolve difficult situations quietly. In particular, moderators have access to user emails and IP addresses and are expected to keep this kind of non-public information private.

    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010 edited

    Andrew Stacey - Experience moderating the nForum and nLab, has experience with javascript and PHP, very active on meta, knowledgeable, votes to close questions in line with the FAQ, in useful timezone.

    Yemon Choi - Knowledgeable, very active on meta, votes to close questions in line with the FAQ

    Pete L. Clark - (declined) - Highest rep user, knowledgeable, very active on meta.

    François G. Dorais - (accepted) - Very active on meta, knowledgeable, votes to close questions in line with the FAQ

    Mariano Suárez-Alvarez - Has experience as an operator on an IRC channel, knowledgeable, votes to close questions in line with the FAQ, fairly active on meta.

    Scott Carnahan - Knowledgeable, usually votes in line with the FAQ.

    David Speyer - (declined)

    Hailong Dao - (declined)

    I hope you guys don't mind me sizing you up =p.

    Andrea Ferretti satisfies at least the last three of Anton's four desiderata, with bonus points for being in a European time zone.

    Update: after looking at my own list below, I would also like to nominate

    Gerald Edgar
    Harald Hanche-Olsen (Norway)
    Gil Kalai (part-time in Israel, part-time in US)
    Tom Leinster (UK)
    Sergei Ivanov of Steklov Institute is from Moscow timezone. Which is great.

    Matthew Emerton is smart, helpful and very kind and polite.

    Greg Kuperberg has extensive experience with arXiv.
    I am going to decline this nomination, as it is not the best time for me to ramp up my MO activities.

    I appreciate being nominated, and if there are further elections in the fall of 2010, I would be pleased to be nominated again and would seriously consider accepting.

    I'd like to nominate José Figueroa-O'Farrill. I think he ticks all the boxes, except I have no idea if he want's to be moderator or not. Plus he is in Scotland which should help with the time-zone distribution.

    • CommentAuthorEmerton
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010

    Dear Campaigner,

    Thank you very much for your kind comments. However, I am going to decline the nomination; I don't have the time right now to take on further professional responsibility (and I'm also sure that the moderator-to-be will do a much more competent job than I ever could).


    I nominate Hailong Dao as well. He fits all of the requirements.


    Thanks for the nomination Harry! Though I too have some reservations, I accept the nomination.

    I move that:

    1. There should be an election at the end of each semester.

    2. A moderator can be elected at the most twice(like the US president). Exception is made for the active founding fathers.

    @Campaigner: Since there are many moderator spots, I doubt the two term limit is of any practical use.


    Thank you Harry, but you have not checked the first requirement (-: Seriously, I am going to be very busy in the near future, so I have to decline.

    I think before starting this process seriously, perhaps the moderators can provide a description of what they do, how much work is involved, what are the most challenging issues, etc. For example, my impression was that Anton has to do quite a bit of programming, and on some occasions the moderators have to track down bad users, and I have no ideas what kind of work/skills that requires. Such description would help the people who will be running and the voters as well.


    Hi Hailong,

    at present there is huge variation in the activity of the moderators. While it's true that Anton and I have done a fair amount of programming, it's not necessarily intended that any new moderator would have an interest in this. Indeed, anyone who has the relevant skills and appropriate ideas can be active in this direction without any need to be a moderator. (Anton is the only person who can directly modify the javascript on the site, anyway.)

    As far as I see it, the most desirable thing in a moderator (i.e. what I would like help with!) is an interest in keeping a regular eye on the activity of the site, in particular:

    • flags for moderator attention
    • highly-downvoted questions
    • suspicious voting patterns
    • posts by new users

    (All of these are provided for in the moderator interface: 10k users can see some but not all.)

    I also skim the RSS feed of all questions (I think I can claim to have "seen" every single question on the site) and click through to anything that looks problematic. Usually, these days, anything I click through to has already been discussed, commented on, or closed, as appropriate, but sometimes there's still something to do.

    The really important power moderators have is to see the IP address and email addresses of (most) users. We've found it really helpful to email people, especially anytime a serious disagreement breaks out, writing something that both lays out the consensus policy, and tries to mollify and (sometimes) cajole. Sometimes I've been a little scared of doing this --- especially at some times when I know the person might reasonably consider me their "inferior" in the mathematical social order --- but it's nearly always very successful. Just have a moderator step in and offer some middle ground seems to defuse a lot of bad situations. Any time an email to an individual user goes awry in some way, the usual course is to cc all the other moderators, and have someone else try again. This gives you an easy out if your attempt to placify goes wrong.

    Moderators can also suspend. In an "emergency", i.e., an active and abusive troll, it's great to have more people to be able to step in and ban people. In such a case, it's fine to act fast and recklessly -- suspensions can be reversed at any time. We've also suspended a variety of other users (maybe 12 suspensions in total so far, probably half of which have been totally clear-cut), generally those repeating asking the same question with slight variations, becoming increasingly hostile and irritated with each asking. Users with email addresses obviously deserve an email explaining the suspension. Users without email addresses simply receive less respect: that's part of the deal.

    Moderators can also "close instantly", which sometimes is appropriate and saves time, but it's also dangerous (witness a few community vetoes on my closures! :-).

    As Anton pointed out, it's very important that moderators keep email and IP address information private. (For example, if you email two users at once, make sure to use BCC!)

    Hopefully Anton and Ben will also give answers to Hailong's question.



    I'm not convinced that either would be a good idea. Moreover, the whole idea of "term-limits" suggests that terms should have fixed finite length, which I strongly disagree with. I think we have in mind to keep moderators on as long as they are interested and willing, and to only hold new elections when we feel that it would be better to spread the moderator workload more widely.

    There should be a way to replace abusive moderators. We are powerless against the God-like power of theirs. The best way is to require re-election every once in a while.
    Here is the set of users that I can personally recognize as being both on MO with 1500+ rep and meta with 10+ posts, and excluding current mods and those who have accepted or declined nominations. I indicate folks who I think are outside of the Americas with a *:

    Reid Barton
    Harrison Brown
    Zev Chonoles
    Gerald Edgar (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    *Georges Elencwajg (nominated by Kevin Lin)
    *Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill (nominated by Grétar Amazeen)
    Harry Gindi
    Steve Huntsman
    Will Jagy (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Bill Johnson
    *Gil Kalai (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    *Tom Leinster (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    Michael Lugo
    Akhil Mathew
    Mark Meckes
    Jonas Meyer
    Sam Nead
    *Ilya Nikokoshev
    Andy Putman (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Charles Rezk (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Mike Shulman (nominated by Harry Gindi and François G Dorais)
    Charles Siegel
    *Hans Stricker
    Mariano Suárez-Alvarez (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Douglas Zare

    Other nominees who have not responded as of this edit:

    *Sergei Ivanov (nominated by Campaigner)
    Greg Kuperberg (nominated by Campaigner)
    Deane Yang (nominated by Ilya Grigoriev)


    Ryan Budney
    *Scott Carnahan
    François G Dorais
    *Harald Hanche-Olsen
    Kevin Lin
    *Qiaochu Yuan


    *Kevin Buzzard
    Yemon Choi
    Pete L Clark
    Hailong Dao
    *Andrea Ferretti
    Joel David Hamkins
    Noah Snyder
    David Speyer
    *Andrew Stacey

    @Campaigner, yes, you're right, and that way is for Anton to remove moderation powers from a hypothetical abusive moderator. This is not a situation where elections are the appropriate mechanism for providing accountability.

    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010 edited

    @Scott: +1

    I trust all of the people who have so far been nominated.

    Oh, and I'll nominate Mike Shulman!


    Harry just beat me to nominating Mike Shulman. I also want to nominate Joel David Hamkins. He has not been active on meta, but that is because he is gifted with an enormous patience.

    EDIT: Joel has just informed me that he unfortunately has to decline the nomination.

    I'll nominate Noah Snyder, Deane Yang and Ryan Budney.
    I nominate Qiaochu Yuan.
    • CommentAuthorAndrea
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010

    I really thank Steve for the nomination, but I feel I'm wasting too much time these days; indeed I have been less active on MathOverflow lately. I'd be glad to participate as a MathOverflow moderator, but I fear I'd end up not working. So, I have to decline.

    I accept the nomination. For the benefit of people interested in time zones, I should mention that I'll be in Japan for at least the next year.

    What, I am a nominee, now? Oh well, I'll stick my neck out and accept the nomination. I don't promise to be a very active moderator, though. If you see that as an advantage, by all means vote for me. But I will step in where it clearly seems necessary. Western Europe time zone for those interested (starting in August).

    • CommentAuthorKevin Lin
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010

    I nominate Kevin Buzzard and Georges Elencwajg.


    I nominate Kevin Lin

    Thanks for the nomination, but I'll have to decline. And I'm in the US anyway so wouldn't be super useful.

    Anton said:

    Moderator powers will be granted to an existing account

    That's the decider for me. That means that becoming a moderator would mean that I could no longer participate in the normal run-of-the-mill community moderation. It would actually mean that I could be less vocal in expressing my opinion on how MO should work since my opinion would carry more weight. There's a danger that it would kill off any usefulness that MO has for me as my primary role on MO would be of moderator instead of participant. Harry mentioned my "experience" in moderating the nForum and nLab. Over there, I have separate accounts for "just being me" and "being the administrator". This separation means that I can take part in the normal discourse, and that it's obvious to one and all when I'm being a moderator and when I'm just expressing my own opinion. Also, by having to log out and log back in again, I protect against random acts of moderation.

    Now that Harald has accepted his nomination, I can decline with a clear conscience. I know Harald fairly well (we're at the same university - when he's not on sabbatical) and know that he would be a far better moderator than I would. As he is (or will be) in the same timezone as me, having me on the list does not add anything to the pool of nominees.

    • CommentAuthorMariano
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2010

    Moderator powers will be granted to an existing account

    Urgh. This means that one's votes to close, say, become final?


    @Mariano: exactly so.


    @Akhil: I accept, if only because we young'uns are the only people on MO without actual professional responsibilities! As for time zones, I'll be in England for the next year.

    @Kevin: You will probably have to direct Georges to this thread - as far as I know, he is not active on meta.


    Moderator powers will be granted to an existing account

    Urgh. This means that one's votes to close, say, become final?

    This is a mildly annoying aspect of being a moderator, but it should hardly be a deciding factor unless you think of voting to close as one of your more cherished MO activities. For what it's worth, it doesn't seem to stop me or Scott. As of June 1, there were 723 instances of a question being closed; I voted to close 209 of those and Scott voted to close 203 of them. The next largest "close number" is 127. If I want to close a question that doesn't have a few votes to close already, I often leave a comment along the lines of "I would vote to close because X, Y, and Z. You can improve the post by doing A, B, or C." It takes a bit more mental energy, but I feel like the effect of such a comment is the same (or better than) a vote to close.

    I'd be okay with being a moderator but just so you know, my activity here ebbs and flows quite a bit. During the winter semester I was logging on almost every day. For the past two months I think I've logged on maybe four or five times, as I've had quite a lot of travel. But since I'm a west-coast person, if I was a moderator I suppose I'd just be an additional layer of redundancy. :)
    • CommentAuthorKevin Lin
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2010

    Thanks Harry for nominating me. I accept the nomination.

    @Qiaochu: I have emailed Georges.

    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2010 edited

    François G. Dorais 1 day ago edited

    EDIT: Joel has just informed me that he unfortunately has to decline the nomination.

    Steve, I see that you missed this for your list, so I've reposted it.

    Also, could you reorganize your list and put everyone who has declined at the bottom?

    @Kevin Lin: I certainly don't want to be a moderator---too much other stuff going on. Thanks for asking though.

    Hi everyone,

    Apologies for the delay in responding - I am currently at a conference and internet access has not been as easy (or free) as usual.

    While I'm flattered to have been nominated as a moderator, I too must make excuses and respectfully decline the nomination: this is partly due to an expected increase in my workload (teaching and research) as of this August, but also because I'm not sure I have the patience or experience-of-other moderation that such a role would ideally require.

    Looking back, I think I enjoy the role of "not too uninformed commenter" too much, and the "conflict resolution" side of moderation does not appeal that much to me at the moment.

    That said, like Pete Clark upthread, I appreciate the nomination (thanks, Harry), and if I were asked again in the future then I would give it serious consideration.

    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010 edited

    More nominations

    Andy Putman
    Charles Rezk
    Will Jagy

    Anton--When will the proverbial floor be closed for nominations? If we're electing one or two mods it seems like we ought to be pretty well covered by now.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010 edited

    I'm trying to nominate people who tend to agree with me on closing questions. As more people decline, I'm nominating new people to replace them.


    Reid Barton, I nominate you!

    @Harry : Thanks for nominating me, but I'm just starting a tenure track job right now and don't have time to assume any new responsibilities (indeed, my participation in MO has decreased quite a bit lately). I thus have to decline.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010 edited


    Eric Peterson (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Reid Barton (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Will Jagy (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Mariano Suárez-Alvarez (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Bill Johnson (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Denis-Charles Cisinski (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Urs Schreiber (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    James Borger (nominated by Harry Gindi)
    Gerald Edgar (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    *Gil Kalai (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    *Tom Leinster (nominated by Steve Huntsman)
    *Georges Elencwajg (nominated by Kevin Lin)
    *Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill (nominated by Grétar Amazeen)
    *Sergei Ivanov (nominated by Campaigner)
    Greg Kuperberg (nominated by Campaigner)
    Deane Yang (nominated by Ilya Grigoriev)

    Active Candidates for Nomination (Note: These people are just people who have been recently active, have more than 10 posts on meta, and over 1500 reputation. This list is not exclusive, but they satisfy Anton's last three suggestions):

    Harrison Brown
    Zev Chonoles
    Michael Lugo
    Akhil Mathew
    Mark Meckes
    Jonas Meyer
    Sam Nead
    Charles Siegel
    Douglas Zare


    Harry Gindi Ryan Budney
    *Scott Carnahan
    François G Dorais
    *Harald Hanche-Olsen
    Kevin Lin
    *Qiaochu Yuan


    *Kevin Buzzard
    Yemon Choi
    Pete L Clark
    Hailong Dao
    *Andrea Ferretti
    Joel David Hamkins
    Noah Snyder
    David Speyer
    *Andrew Stacey
    Andy Putman
    Mike Shulman
    Charles Rezk
    Steve Huntsman
    James Borger

    Also, if you can get in contact with people to let them know that they've been nominated, this will allow us to reduce the list more quickly, since I suspect a number of the nominated people will decline the nomination.


    I appreciate the nomination, but I have to decline at this time. I am stretched too thin already to commit myself to a more active role in MO.


    Anton--When will the proverbial floor be closed for nominations? If we're electing one or two mods it seems like we ought to be pretty well covered by now.

    I was thinking of leaving this thread open for at least a few more days so that people have a chance to accept/decline nominations. It also gives people a chance to chime in on how we should run the election.

    If after a few more days this thread is cooling off as expected and there are no big issues raised on the other thread, we'll post this as a CW "question" on MO with the candidates as "answers" and I'll put a system message on the site encouraging people to vote. After some fixed period of time (one week sounds right), the election will end.

    @Anton: could you speak explicitly to the role/possibility of downvotes in the election process?

    If you have access to the numbers of up- and downvotes and not just their difference, perhaps you could just throw out the downvotes. On the other hand, there are lack of transparency issues there, I suppose.

    @Anton: could you speak explicitly to the role/possibility of downvotes in the election process?

    I don't expect them to play very much of a role, but they certainly are possible. I don't have a problem with somebody expressing the opinion the somebody shouldn't be a moderator. But I suppose the concern is that the more game-theoretically inclined sector of our population will try to maximize their impact by upvoting the candidate(s) they want to win and downvoting everybody else. I do have access to the numbers of up and down votes. I'll check to see if the results look any different with downvotes removed. If they do, or if there are any other anomalies that make a difference, the other moderators and I will decide what to do about it. I apologize in advance for the lack of transparency if that happens. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that none of us has anything to gain from an unfair election.

    You can drop me from the nomination list. I haven't been able to be active much here, and probably won't be for a while.
    • CommentAuthorCampaigner
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2010
    How about nominating BCnrd? He is very active -- if only through comments -- and is a very useful presence in MO. It shouldn't matter so much that he is not active in meta.

    Why not Harry Gindi as well? He is the most active member in MO and will heavily influence the general drift of the site anyway, through all the intense meta discussions he takes part in. It is more or less a mere formality to make him a moderator.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2010 edited

    Accepted (even though I know I won't win (thanks!)).

    Brian Conrad can't be nominated since he is not even registered, and he will definitely decline. I can put him on the list if you really want me to, but I'm totally certain about the outcome.

    I've also nominated Steve Huntsman

    Also Eric Peterson