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  1. doesn't seem to be a mathematical question to me.

    More generally, we've been getting a lot of mediocre and/or off-topic questions lately. Is there anything we can do to force new users to read the FAQ? Something like redirecting to it immediately after registration.

    I agree that this is not a good question and voted to close. I also agree that for some reason we've had quite an increase in questions that are of much too low a level. Do we know where the new users are coming from?
    Short of making the "READ THE MUGGER-LUMPING FAQ" message bigger and more annoying, I'm not sure what can be done... Unless one could set things up so that the rest of the screen was grayed out, forcing new users to go to the FAQ; but that might be seen as patronizing by some new users who are experienced in both maths and online communities.
    Seemed to me like there was some decline back in the spring.

    I think we may expect a seasonal variation in quality and quantity of questions. That said, I won't presume to make any predictions, nor can I tell if the recent spate of bad questions is a seasonal phenomenon. But I'll say that it is at least not unlikely.

    • CommentAuthorsigfpe
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2010
    Well if there was something on the front page saying what purpose this web site is intended to serve...