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    • CommentAuthorMartin B.
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2010 edited
    Assume that there is a question which has been answered on MO (and also accepted), but you find out that the answer is wrong. However, it seems that nobody likes to help you to find out the correct answer. Actually I'm thinking of

    Is it then ok just to post a new, identical question with a link to the former and some new thoughts about it? I would like to do that since otherwise the question does not get enough attention.
    • CommentAuthorjbl
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2010

    You appear to not have left a comment on either the question or the accepted answer (which would help attract the attention of their writers) -- I would suggest you start with that.


    Like jbl says, you shouldn't even consider this until you've left a comment on the question. As a general rule, posting a duplicate question is not a good solution to any problem.


    By the way, I've done you a favor and fixed the grammar in the question, so it's on the front page now. Better strike while the iron is hot.


    Thanks for pointing this out! I made a comment on the accepted answer. I think there may be a way to make the argument work, but it is by no means trivial to do. The problem has to do with the fact that NBG cannot comprehend classes using formulas that quantify over classes, which is an essential part of the usual argument.

    (Edit: Joel has now posted a detailed answer.)

    • CommentAuthorMartin B.
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2010
    For those who claimed that I left no comment in the question: Actually I've written an "answer" in which I reveal the problems of the accepted proof.

    My general meta-question is not answered yet, but in this case, this question alone made the experts paying attention to the MO-question ... :)
    • CommentAuthorjbl
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2010

    Leaving a comment on someone's answer causes a little alert to draw their attention; leaving another answer on the same question does not. Also, in this case everyone involved has their contact information available through their user page; you could have alerted them via an e-mail.