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    How do you all feel about ? I don't like it because I don't like saying in public "Oh, I think think well of Journal X and not Journal Y." Moreover, I am aware that any such judgments will be subjective, and I don't like question which don't have right answers.

    But journals certainly do have reputations and, while not rigorously defined, I think there is a strong consensus about what they are. And it's the sort of thing that is very hard to learn without asking a mathematician. It's the sort of question I would just ask respected senior colleagues, but I don't think it's good for math that some aspects of professional life have to be learned by having a personal relationship with an older colleague. So maybe it's good to get this sort of information out on the internet where everyone can benefit?

    By the way, I won't be answering this question even if it stays open, because I think I pay much less attention to the differences between journals than my colleagues do.
    • CommentAuthorYemon Choi
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2010 edited

    If the question had been phrased more along these lines then I'd be more kindly disposed towards it.

    • CommentAuthorYemon Choi
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2010

    Also, I share David's somewhat conflicting reactions to the question: on the one hand, it's "pub rules" discussion; on the other hand, it's important "pub rules" discussion for junior mathematicians.

    These sort of "state your opinion publicly about a controversial topic" questions I don't like, they have too much of a chance of making MO look bad.
    • CommentAuthorvoloch
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2010
    The eigenfactor link someone posted on a comment is a "not horrible" global ranking. The question itself is very bad because of the narrow scope and lack of explanation. I've already voted to close.

    My take: questions about how well respected journals are are not categorically inappropriate, but this one definitely is.

    Agree with Ben. Given that the question is of borderline appropriateness, it really needs a lot more effort from the poster to frame it in a "good question" (a la the FAQ) sort of way.