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    • CommentAuthordavidac897
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2010
    If I'm confused about something on a page in a math book, and I've thought about it a lot, is asking for an explanation an appropriate use of Mathoverflow? And, just as important, if it is not, does anyone have suggestions for where I could post such a question?


    It probably depends on the book and the sort of question. Why don't you write down the question here in meta and let people decide? At present there is not enough information to give a proper answer.


    I think these kinds of questions are fine, as long as it's of the appropriate level (which I'm sure your question will be) and you explain your thought process so far - I think my question here is a good example. Though checking in meta first never hurts, I suppose.

    • CommentAuthordeane.yang
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2010
    From a practical point of view, there's very little harm done if you post a question and it gets closed. Even then, you might get comments or even an answer that is helpful.

    One strategy is to ask for an explanation on math.SE first and, if one is not forthcoming, ask on MO later.

    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2010 edited

    @Qiaochu: Whenever I've done that, my question on math.SE gets no votes and no answers. I agree with José that it really depends on the book.

    Another place to ask if the subject seems like it's the right flavor is the nForum.

    @DavidAC it seems that the consensus is that more information is necessary to determine if your question would be appropriate, so please provide that information.