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    I'm agnostic about this question. On the one hand, it's not immediately clear that this is a question of interest to research mathematicians. On the other hand, we do allow education questions that are somewhat similar to this, if more specific (e.g. the Roadmap questions).


    This general type of question is okay IMO as community wiki, but in the present case I found it objectionable because it comes off as a whine or a rant. (Don't go into math if you don't love it, 'cause no one said it was going to be easy.)

    Sending the author of the present question to Math Stack Exchange is IMO an acceptable response. If the question weren't closed and I was responding, I'd advise getting together with other students to hash it out. If the student is shy as an individual before the instructor, trying coming in together as a group to see the instructor with the questions they cannot resolve. The advice given by fedja is good inasmuch as it presents an ideal model of a mathematics student.